Richard Kelly IDEO亚太区总裁
Richard Kelly 先生将出席“2009 人才与未来 — 中国设计教育与企业发展高峰论坛”7月26日论坛主题演讲:《从IDEO看中外设计人才培养的差异性》查看活动日程

Richard Kelly是IDEO亚太区总裁,工作地点在上海。服务客户包括TCL、 Fotile、新加坡政府等。 在来到上海之前,Richard在IDEO伦敦办公室工作,负责在欧洲公司中开发战略性客户关系。他的客户包括Nestlé, T-Mobile。 Richard曾经有计划性地在多家有关设计创新方面的杂志上撰文发表评论,并在中国企业家峰会、中国清洁技术论坛、英国Skoll World论坛上演讲。另外,他还曾出现在中国企业家杂志、商业观察杂志、21世纪商业观察以及新浪网等媒体上 。 Richard最初学习人体工程学,在加入IDEO前,Richard曾是Levi21s Strauss & Company的零售市场总监,这使得他对设计思维在全球性企业的应用拥有更加深刻的理解。此外,Richard在伦敦和旧金山拥有自己名下的咨询公司。 Richard带着他超过15年的品牌营销经验,于2006年加入IDEO。
Richard Kelly is Managing Director of IDEO Asia Pacific. Based in Shanghai, his role is to work with clients to realise new opportunities and build innovation capabilities through design. Clients include TCL Corporation, Fotile, Singapore government and one of the world's largest energy company. Before moving to Shanghai , Richard worked in IDEO's London office and was responsible for leading and developing strategic client relationships with companies in Europe . His clients included, Nestlé, T-Mobile. Richard speaks and comments regularly on innovation and design issues and has spoken at China Entrepreneur Summit and CleanTech Forum in China, Skoll World Forum in the UK and appeared in China Entrepreneur magazine, Business Watch magazine, 21St Century Business Review and on sina.com . Educated in design ergonomics, Richard honed his business skills by working in diverse facets of the marketing arena, and on both client and consultancy side. Before joining IDEO, Richard was Director of Retail Marketing at Levi21s Strauss & Company where he obtained deep understanding of the opportunities for design thinking applied inside and outside a global corporation.. Richard also ran his own brand consulting business in London and San Francisco. Richard joined IDEO in 2006, bringing with him over 15 years of brand marketing experience.