近年来,荷兰和中国都在为建设一个更加可持续的未来不断加大努力,而减少碳排放,减少塑 料产量以及塑料回收在其中起着重要作用。如荷兰政府“循环经济2050”国家战略中所述,荷兰致力于使用100%可再生(再生和生物材料)塑料,从而杜绝对环境造成任何有害影响。中国最近发布了新法规,旨在(其中包括)到2025年将减少30%一次性塑料制品的使用。荷兰驻上海总领馆,哈啰出行和亿角鲸海洋研究中心联合举办此次中荷骑行可持续设计竞赛的目 标旨在提高公众对降低碳排放和环保减塑的意识,以促进中国和荷兰实现其可持续发展的目标。在崇明岛举办的2019年中荷低碳骑行活动中,微博上吸引了超过1000万网民的关注。今年,通过此次的设计竞赛和后续的崇明骑行活动,我们希望吸引更多人对低碳减塑和再生塑料生产的关注。邀请更多的人来参与其中,为了更可持续的未来一骑(起)减塑吧!
1.指定主题:骑行背包 [规定材料 RPET 面料]
2.开放主题(附加题):任何跟骑行相关周边用品(规定材料:板压回收塑料,基础材料尺寸:21cm x 15cm x 1cm, 可结合热弯,激光切割等加工工艺)
* 所有递交的比赛设计稿必须是设计概念稿+细节图, 同时需要提供产品尺寸,零部件连接方式, 以及所需材料等相关信息。 也可增加建模渲染。
* 在设计时采用减少浪费,重复使用,回收再生的原则
* 为美好的未来而设计:激励人们拥有更可持续的生活方式 * 提交更具实用性的设计,例如提高效率,减少浪费或外观精美
* 设计新颖独特性

所有设计师工作室或独立设计师都可以参与竞争。如您有意愿参加此次设计比赛,请将完整的报名登记表以及您的参赛作品设计稿于 6/29 前发送邮件至:hellobrand@hellobike.com报名参赛。
评选和奖励 此次比赛的评审由专业评审和线上投票共同产生。最终入围设计评审将于6/30-7/5线上线下同步进行。

Sino-Dutch Sustainable Bicycle Tour Design Competition
Over the recent years both the Netherlands and China have increased efforts to create a more sustainable future for coming generations, carbon emission reduction, reduction plastic production as well as recycling of plastic plays a big role. For example, as set out in the government wide program “A Circular Economy in the Netherlands by 2050”, the Netherlands aims that in 100% renewable (recycled and bio based) plastics will be used without any harmful impact on the environment. China recently issued new regulations aiming (amongst others) for a decrease of consumption of single-use plastic items by 30% by 2025. The Consulate General of the Netherlands in Shanghai, Hello Bike and N.O.C. are jointly organising the design contest to raise awareness of low carbon mobility and reduction of plastic usage amongst the public to facilitate China and the Netherlands in reaching their goals. The 2019 edition of the cycling event organised on Chongming Island attracted the attention of more than 10 million netizens on Weibo. This year, we are aiming to attract even more attention! With both the design competition as the bicycle tour that will follow after the competition we would like to highlight the importance of reduction of plastic use and recycled plastic production. Joining us and make our future even more sustainable!
Design Brief
The design contest has two themes: 1.Bicycle backpack (made from PET fabric), 2.Cycling related product, made from any type of recycled plastic, based on production through sheet pressing (max dimensions of sheet 21x15x1cm). Could be combined with other production processes like bending, laser cutting etc. (this theme is optional)
The design(s) will have to meet the following requirements: • Entries to the Sustainable Design Competition must be an design concept sketch + detailing. We would like to see information on main dimensions, connections, required materials and how it could be produced. Modeling & computer rendering is a plus. • The design should adhere to the three R´s: Reduce, re-use and recycle; • A product designed for a better future: inspire people to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle; • The design must have clear advantages for the consumer: higher efficiency, usability, or have an outstanding look; • Be different: the design should be unique and new
All design studios and independent designers are welcome to participate in the competition. If you would like to participate, please fill out the registration form together with your design and submit it to hellobrand@hellobike.com. The deadline for submitting your application and design is the 29th of June.
Judges and Award
The winner of the design competition will be determined by professional jury as well as through online voting, this process will take place from 30 June until 5 July.
The design studio or independent designer of the winning backpack design will be awarded 20 000 RMB. The organiser of the competition will produce 300 pieces of the winning design, which will be used during the upcoming “Sino-Dutch Sustainability Bicycling Tour”organised by Hello Bike and the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in September. The logo of the winning design studio or independent designer will be printed on the product and included in all communications of the cycling event.
Designs for the second theme will be made available for pre-order on the Hello Bike web shop. If there are enough pre-orders, the winning design will be taken in production and sold on the web shop. Profits (ratio to be determined) will go to the design studio or independent designer of the winning design.
Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions. The organizer, the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, reserves the right of final interpretation for the content hereinabove.