中文介绍: Mini-cube的外观设计,强调时尚,略带个性,满足高收入人群对产品外观的苛刻要求。.Mini-cube三升小主机的箱体尺寸是70×200×250MM,体积是普通电脑主机的八份之一还不到。采用特殊的散热方式,将热空气上升、冷空气下降的原理用到极致,同时和设计语言完美结合,创造出独特的既具时尚又具有建筑感的轮廓线条。创新的将操作界面转移到主机顶部,同时用轻触式的按键方式和隐藏是的灯光显示,带给用户舒适的操作体验和简洁的视觉效果。 英文介绍: The Mini-Cube impresses users a brand-new fashion style & unique experiences: Fashion Style:Very modern,concise & eye-catching design,highlights personalized environment; High mirror finishing with decorative round stripes; Unique embedded lighting effect; Innovatively optional vertically or horizontally placed; Very Small Size:70×200×250MM,one eighth of the common PC host; User-centered Design:Body-inductive Power Button gives user fresh experiences with concise visual effect; Gentle light builds romantic atmosphere in night,easily switch on and off; Unique heat dissipation mode with integrated design; Minimized to avoid any static electricity & dust.