中文介绍: 智能型呼吸式幕墙又名热通道幕墙,也称双层玻璃幕墙,通常被业内人士比喻成可以像人一样“呼吸”。该产品结合国内外幕墙发展最新趋势,通过改造传统“封闭式”幕墙结构和性能,强化提高双层幕墙的节能、保温、隔热、隔声效果,同时实现建筑幕墙多功能自动化,从而在建筑外围护结构中通过运用这种高技术含量、高智能型幕墙产品达到和促进建筑的智能化与绿色环保。 英文介绍: As a new type of energy saving curtain wall, Intelligent double skin glass curtain wall consists of exterior and inner curtain wall that is different with the traditional curtain wall. The unique structure design of double skin not only shows its beautiful appearance, but also enhances the performances of energy saving, heat preservation and insulation and sound insulation. Therefore it promotes architecture to be intelligent and green. And it is usually compared to “breathe like human”by professionals.