中文介绍: 消毒柜采用石英紫外线灯管产生紫外线与臭氧,进行深度净化;光波高温加热,彻底消毒。先进PTC循环热风烘干系统,快速、彻底烘干餐具; LED数码、LCD液晶显示,专利电脑控制技术,设置有常用功能选择,只需轻轻一点,即可实现操作指令。机身过热、过压保护、柜门关闭电磁锁保护(装有门锁系统)、门开自动断电保护,避免臭氧外泄,多重保护,周到严密。 英文介绍: This disinfector cabinet is characterized with double sterilization and intelligent fresh preservation, in which the quartz UV rays lamp tube produces UV rays and ozone to purify tableware deeply. The PTC circular hot air seasoning system can dry the cookwares fast and completely. Computer-controlled system is equipped with LED, LCD, the patented computer-controller and the buttons for the choice of primary functions, people can achieve the operating instruction just for one press. The kitchen cabinets possesses multi-protective systems including over-heating protection system, electromagnetic lock protection etc. And it can also avoid the leak of ozone.