中文介绍: 紫禁城系列的创意灵感来自于紫禁城故宫和中国古文字,是一个将中国文化融入现代产品设计的尝试。大胆的使用了很感性的红色,两侧的散热片采用了中国古文 “立”字,与功能很好的结合在一起。唱盘基座采用石墨悬浮铝板的减震方式,具有良好的减震能力,能较好的还原声音的质量。此系列产品为HIFI高端产品,赢得了国际上很大声誉。 英文介绍: The innovation inspiration of Forbidden City series comes from Forbidden City and Chinese ancient writing, which is an experiment of integrating the Chinese culture into the modern product. The red color is emotionally and boldly used. The Chinese symbols used on both sides of the fin are decorated as the Chinese ancient writing "stand" just like two row of guards in the shape like Chinese ancient writing "Man". Turntable is made of stainless steel, aluminum, graphite, zirconia and copper. The design has an impact of shock-decrease and sound-quality increase. This product is considered as HIFI high-end product. It became Opera Audio Company's popular brand product and won a great reputation.