中文介绍: 国内首创500cc大排量水冷、四气门、顶置凸轮轴结构、大扭矩低转速无级变速全地形车,首次在全地形车上采用了四轮独立悬挂技术,首次采用了电控四驱、两驱切换及电控四驱差速锁死技术,自行设计开发了全新的整合了驻车制动操作功能的全场地车变速操纵结构,克服了现有全地形车换档操纵结构和驻车操纵结构分离,导致操作不便、结构复杂、驻车锁止不可靠的缺陷。 英文介绍: Independently developed by CFMOTO, the ATV with CVT features 500cc, 4-stroke ,SOHC , shaft drive with four wheel drive and clutch CVT , high/low gear shifts. It firstly makes use of some high technologies in ATV including independent suspension, shifts between electrical control of four and two wheel drive and four wheel drive differentiation lock. The gear shifts structure with parking functions has tackled separation between gear shifts structure and parking structure.