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作者: 北京科技大学工业设计系 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2019年7月31日

The 7th Live Data+Internet of Everything+HI&AI E-Merging Intelligence+Innovation Design Symposium
USTB+UC 2019 International Symposium on AI+BD+IoE+Psychometry

2019年北京科技大学联合剑桥大学,举办第七届“活数据+万联网+融智能+创新设计”国际论坛,针对在大数据、人工智能与万物互联环境之下,心理测量与用户研究的分析问题,以及在大数据、人工智能、物联网等领域的高科技投资,为创新设计的智能设计转型提供来自心理学、计算机科学、社会学、经济学、管理学等多学科多维度的分析视角。国际论坛邀请到剑桥大学心理测量研究中心的John Rust教授、剑桥大学嘉吉商学院David Stillwell教授、剑桥大学丘吉尔学院Richard Lee教授、剑桥大学心理测量研究中心Peter Romero博士、Gabriela Czarnek博士以及Kalifa Damani博士生,共同探讨在人工智能、大数据语境下的心理测量及用户研究问题。


David Stillwell教授是北京科技大学工业设计系客座教授。David Stillwell 教授于2014年毕业于英国剑桥大学,获得心理学博士学位。目前担任剑桥大学嘉吉商学院教授、剑桥测量中心心理测量中心主任等职。自2018年起,担任剑桥大学心理测量中心主任,兼任心理系科研主管.David Stillwell 教授是2014年全球30岁以下30位顶级青年科学家,英国皇家统计协会会员,注册心理学家,英国心理协会会员,美国心理协会会员。作为心理测量领域权威, David Stillwell教授主持了英国众多心理测试的标准化研究,包括The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal(WG-CTA), The NEO PI-R and the BIP personality tests, The Wechsler scales of childrens' intelligence (WISC-IV,WPPSI-III, WIAT-II),The Movement Assessment Battery for Children(MABC-II),The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals(CELF-IV and CELF Preschool-II),The Ravens Progressive Matrices(CPM and SPM+),The Mill Hill and the Crichton Vocabulary Scales(MVS and CVS)等等。此外,他还亲自编撰了若干知名测试,例如Orpheus(职业性格测试)、Giotto(正直性测试)、RANRA(数字推理能力测试)GRIMS和GRISS(个人关系评价体系)RISC(临床状态诊断)等等。David Stillwell教授在基础及应用心理测量领域颇有建树,研究兴趣涉及广泛,发表文献近30篇,籍著作近10部。同时,他在高级统计及计算科学技术方面造诣极深,曾经受聘为众多政府组织、跨国企业提供咨询服务。
University Lecturer in Big Data Analytics & Quantitative Social Science
Academic Director of the Psychometrics Centre
David's research uses big data to understand psychology. He published papers showing using social media data from millions of consenting individuals to show that the computer can predict a user's personality as accurately as their spouse can. Follow-up research found that personalising an advert to the recipient's psychology is more effective than generic ads.
This research has important public policy implications. Do consumers prefer their online experieces to be customised? How should consumers' data be used to target them? Should regulators step in, and if so how?
David has spoken at workshops organised by the EU Data Protection Supervisor, by the European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel, to UK government regulators, and to the Bank of England. His research has also been cited by many governments' national data protection regulators worldwide.
David has also published research using various big data sources such as credit card data and textual data to show that spending money on products and services that match one's personality leads to greater life satisfaction, that people tend to date others who have a similar personality, and that people who swear seem to be more honest.
David does consultancy on the topics of psychometrics, people analytics, and big data. He has worked on projects with companies including Amazon Payments, Barclays, Hilton Hotels, RBS, Shell, and Ubisoft.


1. John Rust
剑桥大学John Rust 教授

John Rust教授是北京科技大学工业设计系客座教授。剑桥大学John Rust教授,剑桥大学心理测量中心创始主任,剑桥大学未来智能研究中心(LCFI)研究员。LCFI 是一家学科研究机构,该机构联合了牛津大学,剑桥大学,帝国理工和加州大学伯克利分校的力量,其研究方向是为了探寻目前快速发展的人工智能中的一些开放性问题。LCFI 的研究范围覆盖人工智能的所有应用领域,从智能手机,外科手术机器人到“终结者”式的军用机器人。这家研究机构获得了来自 Leverhulme 信托的 1000 万英镑资助,研究中心致力于保证人工智能对人类有益。著名科学家霍金参加了LCFI的开幕仪式。John教授1974年毕业于英国伦敦大学,获得心理学博士学位。历任伦敦大学讲师、高级讲师、副教授、伦敦城市大学教授、剑桥测量中心心理测量中心主任等职。自2008年起,担任剑桥大学心理测量中心主任,同时兼任心理系科研主管、嘉吉商学院高管培训中心心理测量主管。John Rust教授是英国皇家统计协会会员,注册心理学家,英国心理协会会员,美国心理协会会员。作为心理测量领域的权威,John Rust教授主持了一系列心理测试的标准化研究,涉及性格测试、教育测评、临床诊断、人力资源等众多领域。此外,他还亲自编撰了若干知名测试,例如Orpheus(职业性格测试)、Giotto(正直性测试)、RANRA(数字推理能力测试)、GRIMS和GRISS(个人关系评价体系)、RISC(临床状态诊断)等等。John Rust教授在基础及应用心理测量领域颇有建树,研究兴趣涉及广泛,发表文献近80篇,书籍著作近40部。同时,他在高级统计及计算科学技术方面造诣极深,曾经受聘为众多政府组织、跨国企业提供咨询服务。

John Rust is Founding Director of The Psychometrics Centre at the University of Cambridge and Research Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. He is the Director of The Psychometrics Centre at the University of Cambridge and Cambridge Judge Business School, as well as a Senior Member of Darwin College. John combines a huge academic and intellectual reputation in the field of testing and assessment with practical applications experience in a range of blue chips.
John has a very broad interest in all aspects of both pure and applied psychometrics, whether it be academic research or challenging business applications. His work ranges from the investigation of advanced statistical and computational techniques for use in test development, to the UK standardisations of widely used psychometric tests such as
 the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinkling Appraisal (WG-CTA)
 the NEO PI-R and the BIP personality tests
 the Wechsler scales of childrens' intelligence (WISC-IV, WPPSI-III, WIAT-II)
 The Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC-II)
 the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-IV and CELF Preschool-II)
 the Ravens Progressive Matrices (CPM and SPM+)
 the Mill Hill and the Crichton Vocabulary Scales (MVS and CVS)
He has authored several well known tests, including
 Orpheus, a work based personality test
 Giotto, an integrity test
 RANRA, a test of numerical reasoning ability
 GRIMS and GRISS, assessments of personal relationships
 RISC, an assessment of clinical state
His interests range from the assessment of special educational needs in children to the assessment of personal integrity and team effectiveness in the workplace.
John has also been actively involved in professional and ethical aspects of testing and applied psychology through his work in the British Psychological Society. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and the Royal Statistical Society.  He has delivered assessment consultancy to a number of organisations, including Natwest Bank, the Cabinet Office and the DES, as well as major city institutions and pharmaceutical companies.

2. Richard Leaver

Richard Leaver教授是北京科技大学工业设计系客座教授。Richard Leaver博士是剑桥大学丘吉尔学院Møller研究所导师,同时担任剑桥大学Judge商学院导师,伦敦政经学院导师,是一位经验丰富的人工智能方面的投资家和科学家,在高科技公司的投资的各个阶段拥有丰富的创造设计经验和维持技术,能够不断增长业务价值,洞察力深厚。他有长达十年的董事会经验,成功担任上市公司的首席执行官。在BAE成功的11年国防和安全职业生涯之后系统(包括开发英国最早的智能远程通信车辆之一);理查德从事国际技术工作,曾领导Sagentia集团在英国的销售和营销业务,曾在CBI地区理事会任职多年。从2001起作为集团的投资部门的担任基金经理,从事投资从纳米技术到生物识别等多个领域。2006年他担任非营利安全创新技术联盟有限公司(SITC,现为ADS的一部分)的当选董事,2008-2012年担任伦敦上市公司蓝星资本(Blue Star Capital plc)首席执行官。理查德是早期科技风险投资公司边界的创始合伙人,资本合伙人,进行了多项关键投资,2018年完成了近四年的DIT全球创业计划。他是图片扫描控股有限公司的非执行董事,担任剑桥安格利亚鲁斯金大学商法系荣誉学者,达勒姆大学商学院创业研究员;华威大学创业商学院和剑桥Judge商学院和Cranfield商学院的外部导师。理查德有也曾受邀参加多项国际商务比赛,并在欧洲、斯堪的纳维亚和美国广泛工作。他特别活跃于他在中国和西班牙语国家工作,精通多国语言。
Richard Leaver is a leading international expert in the field of high-tech venture capital, Dr. Richard Leaver frequently is guest lecturer at the Moller Centre at Cambridge University, and a mentor for the Judge School of Business at Cambridge University. He has also guest lectured at  the London School of Economics and Political Science.  His areas include Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Internet of Things.  , business investment, high-tech startups and other aspects.  He has over 30 years of global international company management experience. 
Experienced CEO/NED with perspective and insight into creating and sustaining value in technologyrich growth businesses at all stages of investment. These have included revenue earning and precash breakeven companies (seed-early-late stage venture capital) & absolute focus on growing revenues.
Start-up to listed investment plc, including M&A and turnaround experience with extended personal board level City, international network. Extensive fund raising links and FCA Approved Person status. Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Business and Law, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge; Honorary Entrepreneurial Fellow, Durham University Business School.

3.Peter Romero

Peter Romero博士是剑桥大学心理测量研究中心用户分析小组负责人,庆应义塾大学经济学讲师。在大数据分析和社会科学定量分析方面有专项研究。
People Analytics Lead at Cambridge Psychometrics Centre and Lecturer for Big Data Analytics and Quantitative Social Science at the faculty of economics at Keio University.
Peter Romero was educated in Hamburg and Cambridge. He has overseen several global People Analytics projects in cooperation with People Analytics functions from top companies. Peter has 18 years of experience in the Talent business, of which he spent four years in an R&D function, and fourteen in consultancy.
Research interests:
Computational Strategy and Psychometrics
Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing
Social Norms, Influence, Person-Environment Interaction
Risk, Judgment, Trust, and Decision-Making

4. Gabriela Czarnek

Gabriela Czarnek博士是剑桥大学嘉吉商学院心理测量研究中心访问学者,贾吉洛尼亚大学的心理学家。专项于人格分析建模。
Academic Visitor to the Psychometrics Centre in Cambridge Judge Business School. Psychologist at Jagiellonian University.Gabriela is an Academic Visitor (2018-19) to the Psychometrics Centre in Cambridge Judge Business School.
Gabriela obtained her MA in psychology in 2012 at Jagiellonian University (Cracow, Poland). In 2014 she completed an Educational Measurement Programme taught by an international team of researchers. In 2018 she earned her PhD in psychology under supervision of Prof. Malgorzata Kossowska (Jagiellonian University) and Dr. Michael Richter (Liverpool John Moores University). Her work focused on social cognition and psychophysiology especially in the context of socio-emotional aging.
Gabriela also has some professional experience in applied settings, including in the gaming industry where she worked on developing professional simulators for firefighters’ training. Her focus as a psychometric researcher in this role was focused on modeling for personality traits and attitudes.
Gabriela’s current research interests include aging and social psychological research using computational methods and predictive modeling.

5. Kalifa Damani

Kalifa Damani女士是剑桥大学教育学院的博士生,剑桥大学心理测量中心的驻地艺术家。
Kalifa Damani is currently a PhD student in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge and Artist in Residence at The Psychometrics Centre.


1.第一讲(内容) 2019年8月2日

· 心理测量学概论

· 当代心理测量学的发展

· 在线测试
1.Concerto 在线测试系统

时间:9:00-12:00 14:00-19:00   学时:9学时    地点:北京科技大学机电信息楼106

2.第二讲(内容) 2019年8月3日






时间:9:00-12:00 14:00-19:00   学时:9学时     地点:北京科技大学机电信息楼106
考核方式: 公共选修开放课程 总学时数:18学时


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