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作者: 江南大学设计学院 来源: 视觉同盟专稿 时间: 2015年4月27日



Conference Themes: EMERGING COMMON GROUNDS: Experience, Strategy and Wellness

关于会议/About the Conference
• 2012年:“范畴、方法、价值观”针对设计学科成为一级学科的背景,反思了设计学学科研究对象、实践方法和判断准则的定位问题;
• 2013年:“新领域、新问题、新对策”更多地从实践的角度探讨了设计思维在包括健康、服务设计、公共事务管理等诸多新兴领域的应用拓展,以及设计咨询服务自身的转型升级问题;
• 2014年:“哲学概念”明确地提出了哲学方法在理解设计领域复杂现象中可以发挥的抽象和理论构建作用。



 EMERGING COMMON GROUNDS: Experience, Strategy and Wellness
 2015.05.22-25 CHINA• WUXI

“Redesign Design Education”is a serial conference aimed to reform Chinese design education, while it also responds to issues of design education globally. It has been held three times successfully with over one hundred renowned international speakers who spoke at the main conference and many others who have held seminars and workshops throughout the last three years. This conference is becoming an educational movement in China with potentially profound influence for years to come.
 The 2012 Conference, “scope, methods and principles,” reflected landscape of design education. At the 2013 conference on “New Contexts, New Opportunities, and New Approaches,” professionals along with educators explored how design thinking penetrates and supports new areas human experiences such as health, services, public affairs, and so on. It had also discussed how design consultancy might evolve or change. In 2014, “Philosophic Concepts” was chosen as the conference theme with three sub-themes, Placements, Transformation and Relevance to explore how philosophy as a method might contribute to story telling in design and at different levels.
 Redesign Design Education conference (IV): Emerging Common Grounds: Experience, Strategy and Wellness, explores concepts and methods emerging from new common interests in design, experience, strategy and wellness. While new areas of interests elevate design into the next level of decision space, they also puzzle everyone on what exactly those areas are, what and how decisions are made. Interestingly, it seems that more of those undefined inquiry spaces emerged in recent years due to the increasing awareness of design thinking. As they remain fuzzy, they gradually lose their power of inspiring conversations. Professionals and educators from all over the world will gather in Wuxi this May to share their own stories in practice, research, or both. Hopefully, their stories and experiences will provide inspirations for shaping and understanding new common grounds of design, particularly in areas of experience, strategy and wellness.

会议注册和交费/Registration and Conference Fee
本次大会参会费用标准如下:标准参会费1500 元/人;学生参会费500 元/人
CMF(Color, Material& Finishing)专场注册费用:1000/人

拟邀请嘉宾/Intended Speakers


CMF (Color, Material& Finishing) 专场
5月22日下午 无锡君来世尊酒店
 随着工业设计领域的发展,行业细分化的需求越来越明显,对于CMF的研究尤为重要,本次CMF高峰论坛通过对趋势的研究,让不同领域的CMF (Color, Material& Finishing) 进行融合和贯通,以提升中国的设计能力;会议将特别邀请四位来自业界知名企业的专家代表为大家分享全球涂料最新发展、趋势与动态;分享有关CMF在3C行业的色彩应用;分享产品领域内更为轻便、环保的材料发展趋势;分享全球最流行材料及其表面处理工艺的最新资讯。

5月22日下午 江南大学设计学院

工作坊:交互与体验设计/ WORKSHOP: Interaction & Experience Design

工作坊:策略与服务设计/ WORKSHOP: Strategy & Service Design

工作坊:健康医疗设计/ WORKSHOP: Design for healthcare
近几年,设计介入健康医疗领域已成为热门,然而相关的基础研究成果还很薄弱。本次工作坊将邀请美国辛辛那提大学Craig Vogel教授、代尔夫特理工大学健康医疗研究方向学科带头人Richard Goossens教授、北京301解放军总医院远程医学中心主任郑兵,分别举办三个平行健康医疗工作坊,与参会代表一起深入探讨健康医疗领域的新兴话题和设计实践。

 账 号:1103030709100000136
开 户 行:工商银行无锡江南大学分理处
 参会代表报到地点及时间:江南大学长广溪宾馆, 2015年5月21日 14:00-21:00;5月22日全天

汪泉 无锡市人民政府市长
陈坚 江南大学校长
辛向阳 江南大学设计学院院长
肖东娟 江南大学设计学院副教授
付老师 (会务总协调) 0510-85919712
陈老师 钱老师(国际事务联络)0510-85911500
丁老师 (参会嘉宾接待)0510–85329282
朱老师 (会议代表接待)0510- 85329012
无锡君来世尊酒店(Tel: 0510-85285888)

工作坊简介/Introduction of Workshops

时间和地点:5月22日下午 江南大学设计学院


交互与体验设计工作坊 / WORKSHOPS: Interaction & Experience Design
协调人: 胡晓 国际体验设计协会IXDC 副会长兼秘书长

工作坊(一):精益体验思维驱动产品创新 / Workshop No.1: Driving Product Innovation with Agile Thinking
主持人:周陟 腾讯 移动互联网设计中心总监 / Moderator: Zhi Zhou, Design director of Tencent MXD


Brief introduction of workshop: More and more companies start to realize the value brought by experience innovation; however, few of them have actually mastered the new approach and practiced the methods. It is due to the bottlenecks and challenges brought by interactions between different roles, different professional values and coordination between teams.
 The purpose of this workshop is to drive product innovation with agile methods through systematical learning on design thinking.

工作坊(二):软硬整合的开发思维 / Workshop No.2: Innovational Ideas for Integrated Hardware
主持人: 郭文祺 和硕设计 设计总监 / Moderator: Wenqi Guo, Design Director of PEGA Design & Engineering


Brief introduction of workshop: Interactive designs have been evolving. In the past, these design focus mainly on software interactions, but nowadays more and more sophisticated designs require not only interesting interaction software but also the hardware to carry out the commands.
 These hardware developments require deep observation, complex design, user adaptability and technical understanding over software development and design.
 At this workshop, we will take our winning design “Flux Intelligence” for iF Award as an example. In order to demonstrate the rigorous thought behind our design, we will exam the entire process from the beginning of our year-long planning and building process. This will give you an understanding of the required details in observation and planning.
 The workshop will cover three domains:
 1. The developmental thinking for interactive and integrated hardware design
 2. The important details for hardware development and problem solving
 3. The core identity of your design and how to express them
 We use this opportunity to help guests to understand the various challenges of integrated hardware design that may be encountered within different phases of its development.

工作坊(三):创新策略与触动人心的设计 / Workshop No.3: Innovation Strategy & Touching Design
主持人:尹欢密 阿里巴巴,高级交互设计专家 / Moderator: Huanmi Yin, Senior interaction designer Alibaba Group

工作坊简介:以Design O2O的创新设计思维来洞见创新的设计,同时挖掘内心深处的情感,搭建人与产品之间的情感桥梁。本次工作坊将从客观存在、当下情景、唤醒未来的衡量体系及设计哲学融合触动人心的设计案例,引导设计之美的初衷与展现。从设计引申到组织的柔性管理,如何更有效地达到组织目标,搭建员工需要的工作内容、工作职能和工作关系设计,实现设计师的自我管理型团队。

Brief introduction of workshop: Based on the design thinking of Design O2O to insight into the creative design, and to explore deep emotions, and thus to connect people and products.
 This workshop will conduct the intention and exhibition of design beauty from the following aspects, such as objective existence, current situation, measure system of waking up the future and cases of touching design. How to achieve organization goals from design extension to flexible management? How to design and set up job contents, job function, and job relationship for employees, and thus to achieve self-management of design team?

战略与服务设计工作坊 / WORKSHOPS: Strategy & Service Design
协调人:钱晓波 江南大学设计学院 副教授 / Coordinator: Dr. Xiaobo Qian)

 战略与服务设计工作坊,将以实际的品牌为基础,探讨如何建立设计战略及如何通过服务设计来实现。三个平行工作坊,将邀请米兰理工大学副教授David Fassi,香港理工大学刘曦卉教授,赫尔梯行政学院研究院Sabine Junginger同时开展,将分别侧重于设计思考,战略设计和服务设计方向,共同探讨当代设计的新角色。
Strategy is to create a unique and advantageous position and its essence is to choose operating activities which is different from competitors. When faced with rivals, enterprise and brand should make choices and balance clearly. Combining with design strategy, service design extends the traditional design to the system of products and services and the significance of service design is gradually being recognized and valued.
 How to use design strategy and service design methods to support establishing the development strategy of enterprises and improve the operational efficiency is becoming a new target of design nowadays.
 Strategy and service design workshop will discuss how to establish design strategy and realize it through service design methods based the actual brands cases. Three parallel workshops will be carried out at the same time and will invite Dr. David Fassi from Polytechnic University of Milan, professor Liu Xihui from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and professor Sabine Junginger from Denmark Design School Kolding. Three workshops will focus on the design thinking, design strategy and service design separately and to discuss the new role of the contemporary design.

工作坊(四):战略设计 / Workshop No.4: Strategy Design
主持人:刘曦卉 / Moderator: Dr. Xihui Liu
工作坊(五):服务设计 / Workshop No.5: Service Design
主持人:Dr. Davide Fassi / Moderator: Dr. Davide Fassi
工作坊(六):设计思维 / Workshop No.6: Design Thinking
主持人: Dr. Sabine Junginger / Moderator: Dr. Sabine Junginger

健康医疗设计工作坊 / WORKSHOPS: Design for Healthcare

协调人:肖东娟 江南大学设计学院 副教授 / Coordinator: Dr. Dongjuan Xiao
近几年,设计介入健康医疗领域已成为热门,然而相关的基础研究成果还很薄弱。本次工作坊将邀请美国辛辛那提大学Craig Vogel教授、代尔夫特理工大学健康医疗研究方向学科带头人Richard Goossens教授、北京301解放军总医院远程医学中心主任郑兵,分别举办三个平行健康医疗工作坊,与参会代表一起深入探讨健康医疗领域的新兴话题和设计实践。

工作坊(七):以患者为中心的医疗健康设计 / Workshop No.7: Patient Centered Healthcare Design
主持人:Prof. Craig Vogel & 王晰 / Moderator: Prof.Craig Vogel & Ir. Xi Wang

昂贵的医疗费用、各种并发症的发生以及医疗保险的压力导致了病人在医院呆的时间越来越短。相比较呆在医院,病人更愿意早点在家中进行康复治疗。远程医疗是一部分解决方案。辛辛那提大学的Livewell Collaborative以及辛辛那提的其他研究所正在研究从医生主导的医疗到以病人为中心的医疗的转变。同时一些商业公司也在开发相关的产品和服务来帮助用户去进行自身的健康管理。本次工作坊将探讨这两个方面的主题,帮助学者们来理解怎么样将我们的研究方法应用于中国的设计教育之中。

Brief introduction of workshop: How can design thinking play a role in the new dynamic change in healthcare in china?
 In the US design thinking is now playing a significant role in helping strategic planning and implementation of programs in hospitals, and healthcare and insurance companies.
 There are two major aspects to the change in US healthcare. The first is the new doctor patient relationship and the second is the decentralization of healthcare focused on more healthcare support in the home.
 With the democratization of information about healthcare individuals have greater opportunity than ever before to develop their actively participate in decisions about healthcare and wellbeing. During the last century healthcare was doctor directed. Doctors now have to learn that patients want more say and input on decisions about their healthcare and must re-center their role in the healthcare process.
 The cost of hospital care and the incidence of complications occurring after the patient enters the hospital complimented by pressure of insurance has resulted in shorter hospital stays. Patients want to be home sooner as well and in the case of long term and terminal illness would rather be at home than in healthcare facilities.
 Distance medical care and community based healthcare is part of the solution. University of Cincinnati, the Livewell Collaborative and several other research institutes in Cincinnati are working on understanding the shift from doctor centered healthcare to patient center healthcare. At the same time commercial companies are looking for produce and services developing strategies to help people manage their healthcare and wellness. The workshop will cover these two themes and help educators to understand how our approach could be implemented into design education in China.

工作坊(八):病人旅程设计 / Workshop No.8: Design of a patient journey
主持人: Prof. Richard Goossens & 肖东娟 / Moderator: Prof. Richard Goossens & Dr. Dongjuan Xiao

工作坊简介:每个人在去医院就诊或治疗的过程中,都会经历不同的体验。如何有效提高病人的体验呢?第一步就是从病人的角度去了解就诊和治疗过程中的一系列事件和行为,即用户旅程。代尔夫特理工大学工业设计工程学院的Delft Medisign是一个整合的研究团队,研究团队的成员有医生、设计师、社会学家和工程师,该研究团队的目标就是为用户提供更好的健康医疗产品和服务系统。
在本次工作坊中, Delft Medisign研究团队的带头人Prof. Goossens 将会为大家分享他们在设计病人旅程中用到的一些方法。如何将创新的方法应用于病人旅程的设计当中,去解决相关的医疗健康问题,从而去提高病人的体验?本次工作坊的目的是一起探讨如何为中国儿童医院而设计,去定义有意义的主题,去发现设计的机会点。本次工作坊将基于52张不同的情景卡片(娱乐、启发性、组织、正常生活、参与性等等),以小组合作的方式共同创造性地去构建不同的人物角色。

Brief introduction of workshop: How to improve patient experience during the process of medication and treatment, the first step is to understand the patient journey from the point view of a patient. Delft Medisign group is an integrated research team which involved doctors, designers, sociologist and engineers to work together to design better product and service systems for users.
In this workshop, Prof. Goossens who is the coordinator of the Delft Medisign group, will share some design method they used for design of a patient journey. In this workshop, the patient journey method will be used to come up with innovative ideas for healthcare on a medical problem. The workshop aims to define what could be useful topics for healthcare design in a Children Hospital in China. The patient journey will be designed and improved from the perspective of a patient to discover ‘touch points’ for designers. Input from different personas in 52 scenario cards will be used to create ideas in workgroups:
–Leisure (6)
– Informing (3)
– Organisation (6)
– Normal Life (5)
– Participation (5)
– Etc.

工作坊(九):慢性病的自我健康管理和协同医疗服务 / Workshop No.9: Self-management of Chronic Disease & Co-design for healthcare service
主持人: 郑兵 & 巩淼森 / Moderator: Dr. Bing Zheng & Dr. Miaosen Gong


Brief introduction of workshop: With transition of chronic disease age, and the arrival of an aging population, there is an increase in population of chronic disease patients. There is a great change of the life style before and after the diagnosis of chronic diseases. How to help patients with chronic diseases to adapt to the physiological and psychological changing of their life? And how to manage their disease effectively. The workshop will be hosted jointly by Dr. Zheng Bing who is a health management expert in PLA General Hospital in Beijing, and associate prof. Gong Miaosen who is a service design expert at the Jiangnan University.
During the workshop, three designers from Philips design center in Shanghai will work together with participants to explore how to manage chronic disease effectively from the patient perspective. And how stakeholders (family, doctors, hospital, community hospital) play their role to support patients with chronic disease management.

(责任编辑: art2000


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