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作者: 杰赫 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2012年9月19日



Jane Jianheng Zhang
2012- Current, Founder and Design Principle, JHB.
2012- Current, Honorary Director, ATU China
2005-2012, Principle of Architecture and Urban Planning, Arup.
Extended from her architecture background, Jane has been practicing as architect, urban designer, urban planner and product designer. Jane particularly interests in contemporary urban life and her work is to create integrated solutions for complex urban issues. She believes design works can be as extraordinary as to inspire people and influence lifestyle. By forming JHB, Jane wishes to build a multidisciplinary design platform for herself as well as architects and designers share the same vision.
15 years working in Europe, Hong Kong and Mainland China, Jane’s architectural work covers star hotels, high-ranking offices, shopping centres, museums, galleries and residential buildings. Jane also works on tourism planning, urban design for CBD areas, furniture design and lifestyle items.

1. 理想蜗居 Mini Suite

This is a piece of architecture generated by the principles of product design. It is specified for young migrants who cannot afford high real-estate price of Chinese first-tier cities. This unit well integrates structure, building envelope, building services, kitchen, bath and storage as a whole while providing the flexibility for customizing the layout and furnishment of mail living space.

2. 百人街坊 A-Hundred-Commune


In order to break the cool and detached atmosphere of conventional high-rise dwelling, we connect 48 unites of Mini Suit with corridors and a courtyard. Together with carefully designed inward looking windows and balconies, A-Hundred-Commune encourages its dwellers to have more interaction with each other.

3. 都市村落 Urban Village

We believe a healthy city shall include young working people to live in city centre, instead of driving them out to city skirt by unaffordable land cost. Hence, we place the A-Hundred-Commune on top of the Central Park of Shenzhen, where land cost is zero. Underneath the park there is urban infrastructure, and above are homes for young working people in form of space framework.

(责任编辑: 叶素雅


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