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作者: 大学生动画节组委会 来源: 视觉同盟专稿 时间: 2008年10月16日

皮托夫(Pitof)  法国著名电影导演,视觉特效专家,Pitof数码工作室创始人及董事长,原名约翰•克里司朵夫•科马尔。曾参与制作的影片包括法语影片《丢孩子的城市》、《美丽新世界》、英文影片《圣女贞德》,并担任《异形4》的特效总监,导演处女作为科幻惊悚片Vidocq(《夺面解码》)。获法国政府艺术和文学类“骑士勋章”。
Founder and chairman of the company ‘Pitof Digital Studio' based in Los Angeles and Beijing. In France he was awarded the medal of 'Chevalier des Arts et Lettres'.The moniker of French film and visual effects director Jean-Christophe Comar. Most of his work has been in French language films such as La Cité des enfants perdus and Astérix et Obélix contre César, but he has also worked on The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, and as the visual effects supervisor on Alien: Resurrection. His first movie as a director, science-fiction thriller Vidocq, was moderately popular and has quite a number of devoted fans. His next directorial project is Only in New York, an upcoming movie starring James Caviezel.
“White Poplar Award”VFX & Interactive Design   Final Judging Panel

(责任编辑: yimei


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