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[国际]“Think Gaia”三洋国际设计竞赛
作者: fape 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2007年2月23日

Gaia这个词语的意思是生活在植物地球,我们将只开发与此相关的产品(绿色产品),这也是三洋“Think GAIA”的品牌释义。所以三洋邀请设计师们在三洋的三个关键技术(包括水、空气和能源)类别设计产品。如下是竞赛相关信息:

Theme “Proposal of everyday-life products based on Think GAIA”
The word “Gaia” expresses the idea of a “living planet Earth” in which all of nature and all of life together form a single living organism. So that GAIA and people can coexist, we will develop only products that are truly needed, and we will create products that will please both people and Gaia. That is the “Think GAIA” brand vision of SANYO. In this competition we are calling for product designs to please both people and Gaia. The three key technologies A, B, and C below have been nurtured independently by SANYO. Working from a new perspective not bound by the “common sense” of the past, please reference one or more of these three key technologies in proposing an everyday-life product that will bring joy to Life and the Earth.

【Key technologies】
Please choose one or more of these three technologies, and make a proposal that addresses the theme.

A) Water technology
■Electrolyzed water

B) Air technology
■Virus Washer
■Air Wash

C) Energy technology

【Reference material】
So that SANYO will realize the “Think GAIA“ vision, we are focusing on three programs.
1、Environment: Addressing global environmental issues
2、Energy: Creating a clean-energy society
3、Lifestyle: Enabling people to live in harmony with the Earth

【Supplemental explanation】 *Everyday-life product: “A product that people come into contact with on an everyday basis and that is part of an everyday living environment such as that of homes, offices, commercial facilities, etc. There are no particular limitations on the actual size or economical efficiency of the product, but SANYO will verify the technical aspects.

*The results of this competition may be reflected in the next generation of SANYO products. Also, the competition results will be used in a variety of advertising and public relations activities. Therefore, we hope to receive fresh, original, and innovative designs that give form to the coming age. 


 Judging *Two-stage judging process

【Preliminary judging/private】
Judge 评委:

Ichiro IWASAKI Born in Tokyo in 1965. After worked for Sony Design Center, moved to Italy.
Established Iwasaki Design Studio in 1995.
Working in a wide range of product design from information tools to household
goods like tableware and furnitures. Lecturer at Tama Art University and
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.

Fumie SHIBATA Born in Yamanashi Prefecture. After working for Design Center Toshiba Co., Established Design Studio S in 1994. Here, she developed a base of specialty clients who have retained her firm for design projects ranging from communications to furniture, infant products and home appliances.
Recent Work has been "Baby Label" series by Combi, "Body Fitting Sofa" by Muji, "ZUTTO Series" by Zojirushi, thermometer "Ken on-kun" series by Omron, and mobile phone"SWEETS" and "SWEETS pure" by KDDI by au. Japan Industrial Designers' Association Regular member.
The judging comittee of the Good Design Award. Part-time lecturer at Tama University of Arts.

This judging will place importance on “the everyday-life product proposals and the CG image presentation.” It will be a Web-based judging of designs submitted in accordance with the specified submission method (see “08 Submission documentation and method” below). Five designs will be selected. *The five successful candidates will prepare mockup drawings. However, SANYO will prepare the actual mockups in order to insure fairness in the level of mockup quality of the entries. The successful candidates will be asked to the submit (on CD-ROM) the detailed specification documentation (design mockup drawings, surface finishing information, etc.) necessary for creation of the mockups.

【Final judging/private】

Tomoyo NONAKA, chairman of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
Masato SHIMIZU, general manager of the SANYO Advanced Design Center
Two or three other judges (specially selected technical advisors)

Focusing on the “everyday-life product ideas and the freshness of the image designs,” the Grand Prix and the Awards for Excellence will be decided in final judging using the mockups and panel displays of the submitted data.
*The mockups will, to the greatest degree possible, adhere strictly to the intentions of the candidates, but in cases where mockup production is extremely difficult, SANYO will provide follow-up guidance. There may be cases where the candidates themselves are asked to provide such guidance and confirmation.

As a result of the final judging, the winners of the following prizes will be selected from among the five candidates.

■One Grand Prix winner Prize of \2,000,000
■Four Awards for Excellence Prizes of \50,000 each

*The designs of the five prize winners above will have mockups prepared by SANYO. In addition, the prize-winning designs will be used in SANYO advertising and public relations in a variety of media (design magazines, etc.). Please keep in mind that the mockups themselves will not be sent or returned to the prize winners. For details and information on the rights involved, please see “09 Competition Entry Rules” below.

Announcements of the selection of the Grand Prix and other awards will be sent directly to the winners. An announcement will also be made on the competition site. However, please note that in cases where product development is being considered, some of the content of the submitted design may not be made public due to rights-protection considerations.
Schedule(Dates are specified in Japan time)
The Schedule for the year 2007
Feb 20 (Tue.) ― April 13 (Fri.) Entry application period
Feb 20 (Tue.) ― May 6 (Sun.) Entry submission period
Mid-May ― Late-May Preliminary judging and results announcement (notification of successful candidates and Web announcement)
Late-May ― Mid-June (tentative) Period for submission of designs for final judging (CD-R)
Mid-June ― Early July (tentative) Period for preparation of mockups (by SANYO)
Mid-July (tentative) Final judging meetings and results announcement (tentative)

Entry qualifications
There are no qualification requirements for entry. *Not only individuals but also groups can enter. Entry is possible regardless of age, nationality, or occupation, and regardless of whether someone is a student. *In the case of entry as a group, please specify the names of the participants and the name of the person acting as the group’s representative. *In this competition, entries will be accepted from SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., and SANYO Electric group company employees and their families. However, please keep in mind that such entries will not be eligible to receive the Grand Prix or the Awards for Excellence in the final judging.

Entry method
Please submit an entry application by entering the necessary information on the Web page. After the application is submitted, we will inform you of your entry application number by email. Please be sure to keep make note of your entry application number and submission password since these will be necessary when you submit the design itself. A separate application is necessary for each entry, so people who intend to submit multiple designs should submit applications for each entry.
*Application registrations are not being accepted from cell phone addresses. Please take care to insure that the contact address you enter in the application is correct.
*Submission password definition and registration are to be done by the applicant himself/herself at the time the entry application is submitted. Please understand that these passwords are not issued by the administration office.

Documents to be submitted and the submission method
【Documents to be submitted】
1) Preliminary judging

1. “Title”/1
2. “Main three-dimensional design image showing the overall design”/1
500×500 pixel image. GIF animation not allowed.
(RGB mode, JPEG format / maximum of 100kb)
3. “Three-dimensional design image showing the principal portion”/1
500×500 pixel image. GIF animation not allowed.
(RGB mode, JPEG format / maximum of 100kb)
4. Illustration with accompanying explanation of structure and concept”/1
Explanation should have a maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters (50 characters in the case of Japanese).
500×500 pixel image. GIF animation not allowed.
(RGB mode, JPEG format / maximum of 300kb)

*People whose official language is English, and who know Japanese should write Japanese as well as English.
*Every entry must reference at least one of three key technologies (A, B, and C) described in the explanatory materials. The selection of the technology being referenced should be done on the Web when the entry is submitted. If a given entry references more than one of the three key technologies, please make the corresponding multiple selections.
Examples: Referenced technology is A (Air technology). Technologies B (Water technology) and C (Energy technology) are referenced.”
*GIF animation may not be used.
*For the file names of the images submitted, please assign the names using standard (single-byte) alphanumeric characters, and be sure to include the file extension (.jpg).
Example: compefile1.jpg
*Please confirm that the image mode is RGB. Depending on the browser used, CMYK images may not display.

2) Final judging

1. “Detailed specifications (design mockup drawings, surface finishing information, etc.) necessary to create the three-dimensional mockup” / 1 (CD-R)
Prepare and submit in a size that can be output at a maximum of B1 poster (728×1030mm) size. The competition administration office will print out the images for use in the judging. It may be referenced for mockup creation, used to create a panel for the judging meeting, etc. (RGB mode, JPEG format, no GIF animation).

* The five successful candidates will prepare mockup drawings. However, SANYO will prepare the actual mockups in order to insure fairness in the level of mockup quality of the entries. The successful candidates will be asked to the submit (on CD-ROM) the detailed specification documentation (design mockup drawings, surface finishing information, etc.) necessary for creation of the mockups.
* The mockups will, to the greatest degree possible, adhere strictly to the intentions of the candidates, but in cases where mockup production is extremely difficult, SANYO will provide follow-up guidance. There may be cases where the candidates themselves are asked to provide such guidance and confirmation.
*Detailed information on the number of images to be submitted and the submission media will be provided separately to the successful candidates of the preliminary judging.

【Submission method】
1) Preliminary judging
The designs are to be submitted via the Web. When you have prepared the title of the work and the three images, please complete the design registration by following the procedure using the design entry form on the Web (click the “SUBMISSION” button on the website). When submitting the entry, please be sure to select the technology (A, B, and/or C) being reference (multiple selections possible). After the entry is submitted, you will be sent a receipt confirmation via email. Note that we will not accept entries submitted as email file attachments. Since an entry application is necessary for each design to be entered, people who wish to submit multiple designs should submit an application for each one.

2) Final judging
Detailed information concerning the submission method and destination will be provided separately to the successful candidates of the preliminary judging.

【Points to keep in mind】
*On the submitted images themselves, please do not display any information that could be used to identify the person/group submitting the entry.
*Any method may be used to create the images. Please express yourself freely using your chosen method: model photographs, hand-drawn sketches, computer-generated 3D images, etc.

Competition Entry Rules
For details of Competition Entry Rules, please click here. 

【Concerning the mockups】
In conjunction with the carrying out of the final judging, all the designs selected to compete in the final judging (a total of five) while have mockups prepared under the direction of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., the company providing the theme. In the process of creating the mockups, there may be cases where the designers are asked to provide guidance or confirm details. Please be aware that, regardless of the form of expression used, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., shall have the right to make public any and all of the design mockups as advertising or public relations material on the Web, in magazines, in other publications, etc.

【management of personal information】
Personal information provided in entry application, such as the entrant’s name, address, affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address, will be used by SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. and DEDIGNTOPE Co., Ltd. in cooperation to manage the Design Competition, including managing data of entries, giving notice of the screening result, and contacting entrants. In addition, DESIGNTOPE Co., Ltd. will use such personal information for the purposes stated in its privacy policy
Data management of personal information in the preceding paragraph shall be done by DESIGNTOPE Co., Ltd. and the data will not be offered to any third party outside SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. and DESIGNTOPE Co., Ltd. Both companies are giving due consideration to the protection of personal information.

Privacy Policy 
For details of our privacy policy, please click here. 
Individual questions about the competition, application and other details will not be answered. (Please see Inquiries FAQ)
DESIGNTOPE administration office

(责任编辑: fape


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