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2006 ONE SHOW青年创意营评委余子筠
作者: vincent 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2006年12月1日


Chee Guan 毕业于美国加利福尼亚Art Center College of Design的广告系,之前获得新加坡国立大学学士学位。他曾经在波士顿Arnold Fortuna Lawner and Cabot,新加坡M&C Saatchi, 新加坡Lowe & Partners, 上海BBDO,新加坡10AM 等地方工作。

Chee Guan 曾服务过的品牌包括:BMW, 英国航空,Qantas 航空,虎牌啤酒,百事,七喜,联邦快递,施洛德联合基金,拜耳等等。

Chee Guan 的作品曾在Jim Achinson的“Cutting Edge Advertising”,“How Asians Advertise” 刊登。他的作品还多次在国际及亚太地区获奖,其中包括:D&AD,康城国际广告,克里奥国际广告节,伦敦国际广告节,亚太区广告节,垄玺广告等等。同时在中国及香港,新加坡地区的广告节上也屡获殊荣。另外他也同样参与了多个广告奖的评委工作。


Chee Guan graduated with honors from the Art Center College of Design in California. He has also obtained his BBA from the National University of Singapore. Over the years, Chee Guan has worked for Arnold Fortuna Lawner & Cabot in Boston, M&C Saatchi, Lowe & Partners, both in Singapore, BBDO Shanghai, and 10AM Communication in Singapore.

The list of accounts Chee Guan has handled includes BMW, British Airways, Qantas, Tiger Beer, Pepsi, 7UP, FedEx, Schroders Unit Trust Fund, Bayer etc.

Besides winning international and regional awards such as Cannes, D&AD, Clio, London International Ad Awards, Asia Pacific AdFest, Media, and LongXi, Chee Guan’s work has also been featured in Jim Achinson’s Cutting Edge Advertising, as well as How Asians Advertise. He has also been invited to the judging panels of several award shows.

更多请见:2006 ONE SHOW青年创意营专题

(责任编辑: vincent


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