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2006 ONE SHOW青年创意营评委Joe Duufy
作者: vincent 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2006年12月1日
Joe Duufy
创始人 / 评委团主席
DUFFY设计, 美国 

Joe Duffy是世界上最受尊敬的商标品牌设计创意总监之一。1984年,他创立了Duffy公司,与创意广告公司Fallon Worldwide共同成为引领品牌广告设计的先驱。2004年他把Duffy & Partners建立为一个独立的公司,成为一个与客户及其他广告公司合作的新的品牌创意公司 。

Joe的设计成果显著,包括品牌设计和CI设计。服务的客户有宝马、可口可乐、麦当劳、星巴克、索尼。他对设计的理解影响了很多消费者对品牌的态度。他执导过一些重大的整合方案中的设计部份,如EDS, Qualcomm, Ameritech, Nikon等品牌。

最近他被One Club董事会任命为首席设计师。Joe曾在世界各地演讲并展出他的作品。2004年秋季,他将出版自己的第一部书Brand Apart,记录十多年来,十多个公认的最有效果的完整营销计划。他的油画肖像作品系列将在2004年7月College of Visual Arts Galley展出。



Joe Duffy is one of the most respected and sought after creative directors and thought leaders on branding and design in the world. He pioneered the collaboration of branding and design with advertising when he started Duffy Design in 1984 with creative advertising agency Fallon Worldwide. He founded Duffy & Partners as an independent company in 2004 to be a new kind of branding and creativity company partnering with clients and other agencies in all communications disciplines.

Joe's work includes brand and corporate identity and design development for leading global companies, from BMW to Coca-Cola and McDonald's to Starbucks to Sony. His understanding of how design affects consumer attitudes has led to many big ideas executed in advertising as well as design. He has guided the design component of significant integrated programs for EDS, The Islands of the Bahamas , Qualcomm, Whirlpool, Jim Beam Brands, Nuveen Investments, International Trucks, and Nikon.

Joe holds a firm commitment to environmentally responsible design, having served as chairperson of the Environmental Committee of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. He has served on the boards of the National AIGA, the College of Visual Arts in St. Paul MN , and the Minnesota State Arts Council. He was recently nominated to the Board of Directors of The One Club, the first designer to ever serve in that capacity. Joe has lectured and had his work exhibited around the world. In the fall of 2004, he will release his first book, Brand Apart , a profile of more than a dozen of the most recognized and effective integrated marketing communications programs over the past decade. A collection of his original oil portraits will be exhibited at the College of Visual Arts Galley in July 2004.
更多请见:2006 ONE SHOW青年创意营专题

(责任编辑: vincent


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