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[国际]PTC发布Pro/E Wildfire 3.0
作者: fape 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2006年3月9日

PTC发布工程软件Pro/E Wildfire 3.0,新特性包括:

快速草图-a reduction in the number of menu picks required to use and exit the sketch environment improves performance with large sketches up to 80%
快速集成-the modernized user interface and optimized assembly workflow dramatically increase the speed of assembly, up to 5 times faster, while new support for Window XP-64 bit systems enables retrieval of very large assemblies
快速绘制-the ability to add shaded views to traditional 2D drawings helps clarify design concepts faster and removes ambiguity. Improvements in the drawing environment will yield an increase in productivity benefits up to 63%

(责任编辑: fape


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