中共南通市委宣传部 南通市文化广电和旅游局 南通市文学艺术界联合会
南通市文化馆 南通市非物质文化遗产保护中心 南通市崇川区文化和旅游局 南通市美术家协会
①主题鲜明:作品需紧扣春节喜庆气氛,融合传统春节习俗文化,如腊八节、年夜饭、贴春联、守岁、拜年、舞龙舞狮、送灶神、迎财神、闹元宵等,展现独特的新春意象与美好祝福,寓意深刻,富有感染力。 ②创意新颖:在设计理念、表现手法、视觉呈现等方面力求创新突破,打破传统思维定式,以独特视角诠释春节文化,给人耳目一新之感,兼具艺术美感与时代气息。 ③文化内涵:深入挖掘春节习俗文化底蕴,将文化元素自然融入设计之中,使作品不仅具有视觉冲击力,更能传递出丰富的文化信息,引发情感共鸣。 ④实用性与可转化性:海报设计应适用于线上线下多种宣传场景,如社交媒体推广、线下活动展示、印刷品张贴等;文创设计需考虑产品的实用性、生产可行性和市场推广价值,可转化为实物商品,如家居用品、服装配饰、文具办公、礼品包装等。
· 海报类:规格100×70cm(竖版),分辨率为300dpi。作品存储格式:CMYK模式、提供AI或PS分层及预览文件,系列作品可多图。(文件命名格式:作品名称-作者名字-地区)。动态海报:须提供GIF格式、MP4高清格式,GIF不大于10M。提供文字介绍:作品名称、设计说明(不超过200字)、个人简介(不超过300字)及电子档照片1张。 · 文创类:提供电子稿作品设计图,规格A4 21×29.7cm(竖版),分辨率为300dpi。作品存储格式:CMYK模式、提供AI或PS分层及预览文件,系列作品可多图。(文件夹命名格式:作品名称-作者名字-地区)。提供文字介绍:作品名称、设计说明(不超过200字)、个人简介(不超过300字)及电子档照片1张。

15151369601 (微信同号)
1、主办方向入展作者颁发证书; 2、部分作品将由主办方制作相关衍生品。
1、所有参展作品内容需要符合主题规定,作品必须是作者本人设计的原创作品,凡有抄袭行为和侵犯著作权、肖像权的作品,主办单位将取消其参展资格,由本人自负法律责任。 2、参展作品需体现丰富的春节文化,要求作品富有美感、内涵和时代感,具有高水平的艺术感染力。 3、组织方有权将入选作品用于相关宣传、展览、收藏等商业使用的权利。 4、凡投稿者,均视为同意并遵守以上各条规定。 5、主办方组织专门评议,严格把关。
展览时间:2025年1月21日-2月27日 展览地点:南通五三美术馆
To celebrate the official inscription of the Spring Festival on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, it is proposed to launch the "RENEWAL" 2025 Spring Festival Cultural Poster Design Invitational Exhibition. It aims to showcase the classic symbols of the rich and long-lasting annual folk culture of China over thousands of years, enrich the cultural life of the people during the Spring Festival, and create a strong festive atmosphere. Sponsoring Units
Publicity Department of the CPC Nantong Municipal Committee
Nantong Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism
Nantong Federation of Literary and Art Circles
Organizing Units
Nantong Cultural Center Nantong Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center Nantong Chongchuan District Bureau of Culture and Tourism Nantong Artists Association Solicitation Targets
Domestic and international creators, graphic designers and enthusiasts, teachers and students of institutions of higher education Design Requirements
①Clear Theme: The works should closely adhere to the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival and integrate traditional Spring Festival custom cultures, such as Laba Festival, family reunion dinner, pasting Spring Festival couplets, staying up on New Year's Eve, paying New Year's calls, dragon and lion dances, worship the Kitchen God, welcoming the God of Wealth, Lantern Festival, etc., showing unique new year images and good wishes, with profound implications and strong infectivity.
②Novel Creativity: Strive for innovation and breakthroughs in design concepts, expression techniques and visual presentations, interpret the Spring Festival culture from a unique perspective, giving a refreshing feeling, with both artistic and modern aesthetics.
③Cultural Connotations: Explore the cultural heritage of Spring Festival customs and integrate cultural elements into the design, so that the works not only have visual impact but also can convey rich cultural information and arouse emotional resonance.
④Practicality and Transformability: The poster design should be applicable to various online and offline promotional scenarios, such as social media promotion, offline event display, printed matter posting, etc.; the cultural and creative design needs to consider the practicality, production feasibility and market promotion value of the product and can be transformed into physical commodities, such as household items, clothing and accessories, stationery and office supplies, gift packaging, etc.
Requirements for Work Submission
(1)For Posters: The size is 100×70 cm (portrait format), with a resolution of 300 dpi. Work storage format: CMYK mode. Provide AI or PS layered and preview files, multiple images are allowed for a series of works. The naming format of the file: Work Name - Author's Name - Country - Region. Provide text introduction: work name, design description (no more than 200 words), personal profile (no more than 300 words) and 1 electronic photo. For dynamic posters: GIF format and MP4 high-definition format must be provided. The size of the GIF should not exceed 10M.
(2)For Cultural and Creative Products: Provide electronic draft work design drawings, specification A4 21×29.7cm (portrait format), with a resolution of 300 dpi. Work storage format: CMYK mode, provide AI or PS layered and preview files, multiple images are allowed for a series of works. Folder naming format: Work Name - Author Name - Region). Provide text introduction: Work Name, Design Explanation (no more than 200 words), Personal Profile (no more than 300 words) and 1 electronic photo.
Work Submission Deadline
January 15, 2025 Submission Email
nt53art@163.com Download Link of Registration Form and Commitment and Authorization Letter of Exhibition Works:
Consulting Telephone
+86-15151369601 (Same as WeChat account) Treatment for Authors
1.The host unit will issue certificates to the authors whose works are selected for exhibition.
2.Some works will be used by the host unit to produce related derivatives.
Submission Requirements
1.The content of all exhibited works shall comply with the theme regulations. The works must be original works designed by the authors themselves. For any works with plagiarism or infringement of copyright and portrait rights, the host unit will cancel their exhibition qualifications, and the authors shall bear the legal responsibilities themselves.
2.The exhibition works need to reflect the rich Spring Festival culture, requiring the works to be beautiful, connotative and have a sense of the times, with a high level of artistic infectivity.
3.The organizer has the right to use the selected works for related publicity, exhibitions, collections and other commercial uses.
4.All contributors shall be deemed to agree to and abide by the above regulations.
5.The host unit will organize special appraisals and conduct strict checks.
Exhibition Time and Venue
Exhibition Time: January 21 - February 27, 2025
Exhibition Venue: Nantong Five-three Art Museum
