前 言 Foreword
在此背景下,两国在官方、民众等各个层级开展了一系列的友好文化交流活动。两国政府、议会以及各界友好人士,积极参与贯穿全年的“中西建交 50 周年”系列活动,通过中西两国政治、经济、体育、教育、艺术、文学等不同领域的展示,表达中西建交50周年的美好祝福。
组织机构 Organization
指导单位 中国驻西班牙大使馆教育组 中国驻巴塞罗那总领事馆
主办单位 赫罗纳学联委员会 西班牙华人华侨企业发展协会 CEIDA中欧国际设计文化协会 字魔营 iWe生长计划 协办单位 西班牙赫罗纳大学 中西文化旅游协会 CDS中国设计师沙龙 山东工艺美术学院视觉传达设计学院 兰州大学艺术学院 四川农业大学艺传学院 自然造物
展览地点及时间 Location&Time
西班牙展览地点:(持续邀约中) 巴塞罗那、赫罗纳、马德里
中国展览地点:(持续邀约中) 郑州、嘉兴、兰州
展览时间: 2023年10月1日——2024年1月31日

创作主题 Theme
投稿要求 Requirements
1、创作范围及要求: (1)海报、插图、字体、图形等所有平面设计形式 (2)创作应充分考虑识别性、文化性、艺术性; (3)创作应考虑受众的广泛性,倡导雅俗共赏的作品。
2、作品规格: (1)预览尺寸文件:A4(竖式),150dpi、RGB、JPEG 格式 (2)青少年、儿童的“我心中的中西之美”创意绘画类作品,按竖版A4大小创作,文件大小不超过10MB,完成后拍照上传即可,保证画面清晰。入选后提交高清作品。 (3)本次提交作品,仅提交A4预览尺寸即可,作品入围后,请提供印刷尺寸文件:70*100cm(竖式)、300dpi、RGB、JPEG 格式,文件大小不超过30MB。
3、文件命名: 国家+城市+作者+作品名称
4、将投稿作品电子文件按以下方式提交: 国内投稿:(链接直接投稿) https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DSXBsb3lJQ3NJU2di 国外投稿: 将投稿作品电子文件和参展报名表(附后)打包发至组委会 CSculture2023@163.com
5、投稿日期: 2023年8月20日——2023年9月20日
征集方式 Collection Methods
1、公开征集: 免费投稿,面向中西两国人民以及全球设计机构、设计师、高校师生等均可提交作品参加本次活动。
2、评审入围: 主办方将组织国际评审团进行作品评审,选出入围作品。
3、作品入展: 作品入围,如参加展览,需向组委会缴纳参展费: (1)个人作品参展: 单件作品:300RMB/件;字魔营会员和CEIDA会员享优惠。费用将用于展览印刷、邮寄、展馆场地租赁、评审、纸质证书等费用。 (2)企业及院校参展: 面向政府单位、企业、高校、美术培训机构等,需支付一定的参展费用,具体合作权益请与组委会联系(赵老师微信:avenchao888)。
4、展出&开幕式&论坛: 最终评选出入展作品,入展设计师奖获得组委会颁发的入展证书,作品在西班牙和中国分别展出,并受邀参加开幕式以及论坛。

支持单位 Support Units
协会支持 北京设计学会、意大利中意设计协会、亚洲中韩设计协会、澳门设计师协会、山西省平面设计学会、台湾海报协会、浙江海平面设计师联盟、郑州市平面艺术设计协会、安徽平面设计师协会、广州平面设计师联盟、太仓平面设计联盟、观外设计联盟、X-PLUS 新疆设计力量沙龙、泉州市工业设计协会、拙雅创新设计院 (持续邀约中)
学术支持 首都师范大学视觉设计与教育研究所、湖南文理学院美术与设计学院、大连医科大学艺术学院、岭南师范学院美术与设计学院、武汉壹葉堂跨媒介艺术研究中心、宁波大学潘天寿建筑与艺术设计学院、安徽工程大学设计学院平面设计研究所、苏州工艺美院视觉传达学院、浙江理工大学、大连大学美术学院、盐城工学院设计艺术学院、浙江工商大学艺术设计学院、湖州师范学院艺术学院、合肥财经职业学院艺术设计学院、喀什大学美术与设计学院、黄冈师范学院、Faculty of Decorative Arts、Silpakorn University、西安邮电大学 (持续邀约中)
媒体支持 1国内大众媒体: 人民日报海外版、新华网、新浪网,腾讯网,凤凰网,今日头条、学习强国、人民政协网、凤凰欧亚、今日中国、南湖晚报、成都商报、河南日报、顶端新闻、大象新闻、郑州日报、中原网,正观新闻、抖音、快手 (持续邀约中) 2国内专业媒体: 美术报、最设计、设计赛、设计在线、视觉同盟、古田路9号、我爱竞赛网、D9设计、Hi新视界、诗意设计、设计探索、设计感知、椒盐与刘立伟设计 (持续邀约中) 3国外媒体: 华人网、欧洲时报 (持续邀约中) 字库支持 汉仪字库
展览声明 Statement
1、参展作品的传播、展览、刊登、出版等使用权归组委会所有,组委会在使用时对其作者予以署名。 2、所投作品中使用的文字、图形、图像要遵守中华人民共和国和西班牙两国法律;不得出现侮辱性、种族歧视、地域歧视等视觉元素。 3、参展作品须原创,不得有侵犯任何第三方著作权、其他任何知识产权或专利的情况。如发现不符合条件者,组委会有权在展览任何阶段取消其参展资格,收回证书,由参展者自行承担相应后果和责任。 4、本规则解释权归主办单位和组委会。
合作咨询 Enquiryt
联系人:赵老师 avenchao888(微信)
2023中西建交50周年 国际文化艺术海报设计展组委会 2023年8月20日

On 9 March 2023, President Xi Jinping and King Felipe VI exchanged congratulatory messages on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the West, highly valuing the development of relations between the two countries and pointing out in particular that it is of great significance for the two sides to jointly organise the Year of Culture and Tourism this year and a series of celebration activities. It is hoped that China and the West will take the Year of Culture and Tourism as an opportunity to deepen civilisation exchanges and mutual understanding, and to cultivate a foundation of friendship and public opinion, in order to promote the deepening of the Sino-Western comprehensive strategic partnership and build a new chapter of the community of destiny of mankind.
In this context, the two countries have carried out a series of friendly cultural exchanges at all levels, including official and popular levels. The governments, parliaments and people from all walks of life of the two countries have actively participated in the series of activities throughout the year to express their best wishes for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the West through the display of different fields of politics, economy, sports, education, arts and literature of China and the West.
Relying on the strong support of the Chinese Embassy in Spain and the Chinese Consulate General in Barcelona, the International Poster Exhibition for designers around the world is conducive to the dissemination of Chinese culture and the telling of a good story of contemporary China, and in particular, it is conducive to further enhancing the understanding of the people of China and the West of the two countries and to promoting the humanistic exchanges between the two countries and letting the friendship between China and the West take root in the hearts of people.
On the occasion of the National Day of 2023, let's join hands to show the charm of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the West by means of art and design!
Directed by: Chinese Embassy in Spain Chinese Consulate General in Barcelona, Spain Host by: Chinese Students and Scholars Association of University of Girona Association of Chinese Enterprise Development in Spain China Europe International Design Association Zimoreclub iWe Growth Program Assisting by: University of Girona, Spain China-Spain Cultural Tourism Association CDS China Designer Salon Shandong University of Art&Design- Academy of Visual Communication Design Lanzhou University Art Academy Sichuan Agricultural University-School of Arts and Media Zhengzhou Graphic Design Association
/Exhibition Time and Venue: Exhibition Time: 01/10/2023 – 31/01/2024 Spain Exhibition Venue: Barcelona Madrid Girona China Exhibition Venue: Zhengzhou Jiaxing Lanzhou /Theme: Unit A: 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Spain (reflecting the major political and economic achievements made by the two countries, such as the "Belt and Road" community of Human destiny, current affairs hotspots, etc.) Unit B: Chinese and Western cultural life, such as culture, art, sports, tourism, science and technology, education, environmental protection and other fields (reflecting the cultural exchanges and people's lives of the two countries, etc.) Unit C: The collision of Chinese and Western pattern art. Spain is the fourth country in the world cultural Heritage, with a long history of architecture and very Spanish national characteristics of the decorative pattern. Such as the extreme and complex Alhambra Palace, the medieval Moors built the royal palace. His high level of graphic art inspired Owen Jones, Escher and others. China is also the second country of world cultural heritage, with a long history of culture and rich traditional patterns. Such as: auspicious patterns, Dunhuang caisson patterns, ethnic minority clothing patterns, ancient bronze patterns and so on. Unit D: "The Beauty of China and the West in My Heart" Creative Painting category (only for teenagers and children under 18 years old) The scope of this collection is mainly for teenagers and children. Through creative paintings, with the theme of "The Beauty of China and the West", you can express your understanding and feelings about the cultural exchanges between China and the West through paintings, and show the beautiful connection and similarities between China and the West. Through painting, we hope to see the unique perspective and creative expression of the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, as well as the innovative interpretation of traditional culture. The entries include but are not limited to Chinese painting, stick figure, line drawing, watercolor painting, color lead, oil painting, creative art, etc. /Submission Requirements: Design requirements: 1. The scope of creation: posters, illustrations, fonts, graphics and other graphic design forms 2. The creation should fully consider the identification, cultural, artistic; 3. The creation should consider the breadth of the audience, and advocate the works of both elegance and popular appreciation. Specifications of works: (1) Printing size file: 70*100cm (vertical), 300dpi, RGB, JPEG format, file size does not exceed 30Mb (for printing). (2) Preview size file: A4 (vertical), RGB mode, JPEG format, 300dpi, not more than 10MB. The name of the document is: country + city + author + title of the work Registration Form Download https://docs.google.com/document/d/17UVLnywt2cJnXybVi3-oqYNU961TqhNd/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114807599120358534767&rtpof=true&sd=true Email: The electronic file of the submitted works and the registration form (attached) should be sent to the Organizing committee: CSculture2023@163.com
/Exhibition Statement: 1. The right to use the exhibited works for dissemination, exhibition, posting and publication belongs to the organising committee, which will attribute their authors when they are used. 2. The exhibited works must be original and must not infringe any third party's copyright, any other intellectual property rights or patents. If the exhibitor is found to be ineligible, the organising committee has the right to cancel his/her qualification at any stage of the exhibition and withdraw the certificate, and the exhibitor shall bear the corresponding consequences and responsibilities. 3. The right to interpret these rules rests with the organiser.
50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Spain International Culture & Art Poster Exhibition Works Exhibition August 2023
