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作者: 视觉同盟 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2021年8月19日

Social Distancing (社交距离)
29.05 - 19.06.2021



江上越在文化边缘以及多语言背景中成长。从本质到过程,江上越全面探索“沟通的屏障”,并称其为“误解的游戏”。一如蓬皮杜收藏负责人Julie Champion所说,江上越作品的魅力之处来自于她不仅将这些特征视为人类关系中误解的来源,同时也将它们视为人类关系中创造的财富和丰富的来源。



在新系列中,这份美好以彩虹的颜色呈现。彩虹是梦和希望的象征。国立台湾艺术大学美术系负责人Kuang-Yi CHEN说到:“彩虹呈现在画家的无意识和观众的不了解中,这也是一处微妙的误解。”。

画刷在画布上滑动,一个即时却又经过斟酌的绘画姿势让绘画的材料自由释放。丰富的色带开始呈现。色带相互并置却又不重合,以轻微的白色空间分割。在美国Yeah 美术馆馆长Owen Duffy的眼中,白色空间是语言的边界和不同文化的隐喻。而Dia Beacon美术馆的策展人Alexis谈到江上越是日本战后当代艺术第三代艺术家的先锋人物。



在千叶市美术馆举办个人项目,与巴黎蓬皮杜中心策展人对谈。她正于中国北京中央美术学院攻读博士学位。江上越先后获得多个奖项,包括日本文化厅杰出艺术家(2020),入围东京当代艺术基金会奖(2020)及索福林基金会亚洲杰出艺术家奖(Sovereign Asian Art Prize,2019),获得第十六届千叶市艺术文化新人奖(2018)。她曾于国际上多个城市举办展览,如“彩虹江上越个展”(轻井泽新美术馆,轻井泽),“Entrancegallery Vol.1江上越”(千叶市美术馆,千叶),“Facebook”(前波画廊,纽约),“社交距离”(A2ZPAIS.巴黎),“彩虹江上越个展”(白石画廊,台北)“VOCA展2020-新绘画”(上野之森美术馆)“CAF展”(日本当代艺术基金会),“UNSCHEDULED”(香港大馆),第二届北京国际媒体艺术双年展(中央美术学院美术馆),第三届 CAFAM双年展(中央美术学院美术馆),“底色展”UCCA,在伦敦、德国、北京、台北及东京举办个展。收藏其作品的机构包括和美术馆,北京中央美术学院美术馆、北京元典美术馆、北京树美术馆、达美艺术中心,首尔衣恋集团等。

Social Distancing

05.29 - 06.19.2021

A2Z Art Gallery is proud and honored to present Social Distancing, the first solo exhibition of Egami Etsu in Paris.

After studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing (CAFA) and the University of Art and Design in Karlsruhe (HfG), the Japanese artist Egami Etsu focused on the observation of our society and observed that "humans communicate with each other is not helping them to get closer, but rather creating more distance". Since the dawn of time, and particularly in the COVID-19 crisis, communica-tion has become more complex in view of the diversity of human exchanges. Between virtuality and reality, the feeling of social distancing and uncertainty have emerged on both sides of the globe.

Having grown up in different cultures and languages, Egami Etsu is exploring the barriers of commu-nication, from its essence to the process, which she calls the "game of misunderstandings". As Julie Champion, the curator at the Centre Pompidou, mentioned that the beauty of her work is that she sees all these specificities as a source, not only of misunderstandings, but also of creation and richness in people's relationships.

Oscillating between abstraction and figuration, Egami Etsu landscape portraits paintings constructed with horizontal, vertical and sinuous lines. For her, the portrait is not an object but rather the materiali-zation of the sound, voice, and face of people. To create, the artist said that she sees with her ears and hears with her eyes. By juggling with the two methods of communication (sound and light), Egami Etsu captures the moment of ephemeral and intact beauty through her painting.

In the words of Nobuyuki Senzoku, the director of the Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art (Japan), Egami Etsu seizures the "variant beauty" of people who have taken refuge between the universal standards of beauty and the grotesque. Starting with sketches that are reworked one after the other to capture the attitude, the look, the depth of spirit or the emotion of passing figures, Etsu is inspired by the Japanese philosophical concept of "Ichigo ichie", inviting us to appreciate the present moment, to be more attentive to the small moments of happiness in everyday life and, finally, to be more connect-ed to those close to us.

This feeling of happiness is transferred into this new series by the choice of colors taken from the rainbow motif, a symbol of dreams and hope. According to Kuang-Yi CHEN, Chairman of the De-partment of Fine Arts at the National Taiwan University of the Arts, "the rainbow is revealed in the painter's unconsciousness and the public's ignorance, which is also a delicate misunderstanding".
Sliding along the bristles of his brushes, the paint is released in a thoughtful and instantaneous gesture to see richly colored band appear. Juxtaposed against each other, each strip is separated by small white spaces that metaphorically represent, according to art critic Owen Duffy, the border of language and cultural differences.

In our contemporary society, where modern technologies plunge us into the crises of speed and ur-gency, doesn’t Egami Etsu paints to reach out to us to reconnect with the essential and to soften the boundaries of social distancing?

Etsu Egami

1994 born in Japan, working in Tokyo , Beijing and New York. Shortlisted at Forbes Asia 30 UN-DER  20 2021 as the only Japanese artist. 2021,She was chosen as Talented artist program dispatched to New York by Cultural Agency of Japan Government. Her international background let her to ex-plore the essence of communication through visualize the miscommunication.
Curator of Pompidou Art Center Paris said about Etsu Egami’s work “And What is beautiful in Etsu Egami’s works is that she sees all these specifities as a source, not only of misunderstandings, but also creation and richness in peoples relationships” , And Etsu Egami is difned as The third generation of post war Japanese artist in Japan.

Latest award of Etsu Egami is CAF AWARD 2020 finalist, Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2019, 16th Chiba City New Artist Prize 2018, Forbes China 30 UNDER 30 2020. She did her exhibition in many countries “RAINBOW-Etsu Egami solo show” Whitestone gallery Taipei, “Rainbow-Etsu Egami solo show” Karuizawa new art museum, “Entrance gallery Vol.1 Etsu Egami” at Chiba City Museum of Art, “Facebook-Etsu Egami solo show”at Chambers Fine Art, New York, “Social Dis-taincing-Etsu Egami solo show”at A2Z gallery , Paris, The second Beijing International Art biennale at CAFA MUSEUM, Beijing, “VOCA 2020”Ueno-Royal Musuem, Tokyo, “UNSCHEDULED” Taikwun, Hong Kong, “Grounding” UCCA store, Beijing. “In to the light..-Etsu Egami solo show”Germany, “Dialogue beyond 400 years-Etsu Egami solo show” London.
Public collection include HeArtMuseum, CAFA MUSEUM, Tree Musuem,Yuan Art Museum, Damei Art Center, YiLian Foudnation etc...

(责任编辑: Admin


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