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作者: 张儒赫 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2020年9月16日



<Key Vision Design For CHINA VISAP’S 20>

The visual language and design content of the work are closely combined with the theme and attribute of the conference. The theme of this art project is divided into "epidemic situation" and "intangible cultural heritage" buildings. The team collected and analyzed the data of the two themes, investigated all the "intangible cultural heritage" buildings in China, and integrated the daily cure rate data of epidemic situation for one month. We found that the provinces and cities with high cure rate (blue circle) during the outbreak of the epidemic are the areas where the "intangible cultural heritage" buildings (orange circles) have remained for a long time. The team designed a set of information design works for this purpose, with the part of the poster, the thumbnail and the newly set font as the key visual of the conference. The layout highlights the word "true" and "good" in the title of the meeting, and interacts with the key vision with data visualization style. The dynamic poster design is played in a rolling manner during the rest period of the meeting.


中央美术学院设计学院,学士本科,伦敦艺术大学切尔西艺术与设计学院,硕士研究生,鲁迅美术学院中英数字媒体(数字媒体)艺术学院讲师,中国图像图形学学会会员,参与北京奥运会“金镶玉”奖牌设计,获评“凯度信息之美”奖项,绚丽年华全国美育成果展评二等奖,米兰设计周: 中国高校设计学科师生优秀作品展学院奖,全国美术作品展览提名奖等专业奖项。

(责任编辑: Admin


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