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作者: 视觉同盟 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2020年6月30日

Etsu Egami’s work shown in HK Tai Kwun and all sold

疫情之下香港的博览会 Art Basel和Art Central HK宣布取消,香港大馆当代美术馆新的推出一个新方式的,实验性的博览会“UNSCHEDULED”。这个展览由大馆当代美术馆和香港美术馆协会(HKAGA)联手推出。日本顶级画廊白石画廊带来了国际性艺术家江上越的个展。她以沉重的笔触表达误传和交叉信号的瞬间。这个主题似乎看起来非常呼应这当下的全球的疫情,人类面对的共存问题。 白石画廊为这些作品定价在1.1万-6.6万港元之间(约合1420-8515美元)。在这个展览中江上越的作品开幕之前80%都售出,展览期间已全部售出,可以看出受到香港艺术界,国际收藏界的强烈关注。其藏家有香港著名收藏家建筑师William Lim,收藏家Jonathan Cheung。

Under the epidemic, Hong Kong's art fairs Art Basel and Art Central HK announced the cancellation, and the Tai Kwun Contemporary launched a new exhibition "Unscheduled". This exhibition was jointly launched by the Tai Kwun Contemporary and the Hong Kong  Art Gallery  Association (HKAGA). Japanese important art gallery Whitestone gallery brought international artist Etsu Egami solo exhibition. She uses heavy strokes to express the moment of misinformation and cross signals. It seems very duit theme in this COVID-19 pandemic time let prople think about the way of co-exist between human nature. Whitestone Gallery priced the works between HK $11000 and HK $66000 (US $1420-8515). Etsu Egami’s art work are collectioned 80% before the exhibition open. Her art work are strongly follw with interest by international collectors in Hong Kong , the are work are all sold at the exhibition time.The collector including collector William Lim and Jonathan Cheung collector and director of Buzz Agency.



Tai Kwun Contemporary is the largest contemporary art museum in Hong Kong. It exhibited a retrospective exhibition of the Japanese international artist Takashi Murakami in collaboration with the Astrop Feinley Museum of Modern Art in 2019, and the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in 2018. The retrospective exhibition of Chinese international artist Cao Fei, the group exhibition "Unable to Speak" in collaboration with the National Museum of Art in Japan in 2020. “Unscheduled ”was the first big show at Post-pandemic times , highly concerned by the art and collection circles of Hong Kong.Most of Etsu Egami's works have been collected before the opening.

江上越的作品在TATLER HK 尚流HK介绍

江上越作品《Temtation by brushing past》



江上越(Etsu Egami)是日本艺术界的后起之秀,她的作品于4月参加了在上野之森美术馆举行的享有盛誉的当代艺术展览(VOCA2020),展出了来自全国各地的新锐艺术家的作品 。 其展览以往参展艺术家有村上隆(Takashi Murakami),奈良美智(Yoshitomo Nara)和五木智夫(Tomoo Gokita)等,是日本艺术界的登龙门。

Unscheduled Exhibition

The "Unscheduled" exhibition launched by the Hong Kong Taikwun is a reflection of society and humanity brought by COVID-19. The exhibition is co-planned by local independent curators Guo Yingguo and Huang Wanyi. The exhibition structure is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is "intentionally keeping distance from others to avoid or interfere with the direct encounter with the theme", the second chapter is experimental exploration, and the third chapter is to convey a "sense of tranquility". Etsu Egami portrayed the ambiguity of communication on an abstract canvas. Chiba Shigeo, a famous Japanese art critic, talked about it. “Etsu Egami reconstructed the essence of abstract painting and the essence of social reality on a new horizon. Etsu Egami's work is the beginning of POST-painting. “ Etsu Egami's work visualizes the dislocation and distance in communication, and expresses it in painting. This theme seems to be very suitable for the current social situation called "post-epidemic" after the current epidemic. Jiang Shangyue talked about "epidemic let us rethink society The status quo, human instinct. Natural communication has become an obstacle, and changes in society have prompted us with new ways of communication, as well as the emergence of new dislocation (missight, mislistening) mechanisms. How can we coexist with the epidemic? Under the "big story" of the worldwide epidemic, the subtle personal memories are re-prompted. "
Etsu Egami, a rising star of the Japanese art scene who in April had her work included in the prestigious Vision of Contemporary Art (VOCA) exhibition at the Ueno Royal Museum, which features works by up-and-coming artists from around the country. Takashi Murakami, Yoshitomo Nara and Tomoo Gokita all had their art featured in VOCA when they were at the start of their careers.

其次展览受海外媒体的关注,如Art Asia Pcific,Tatler, TimeOut, OCULA,The art newspaper等等报道了这次展览。

The new art fair in Tai Kwun under epidemic time are attentioned, Art Asia Pcific,Tatler, TimeOut, OCULA,The art newspaper report about the exhibition.

Unscheduled 展览在TATLER HK 尚流HK介绍


江上越1994年出生与日本。留学北京中央美术学院,德国HFG(The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design)、目前在中央美术学院攻读博士课程。基于自身丰富的海外体验重新思考人类交流的可能性,从语言学到社会学,人类学,哲学等各种学术领域辛勤探索,她通过语言的起源探讨人的本性,反思语言导致的社会。她的每一个艺术「项目」,积累了大量的在地性现场调查和文献资料,用更宏观的角度,以交流的主题为主线,一个个不断深入,在国际上得到高度的评价。作为最年轻的艺术家入围Sovereign Art Foundation的亚洲杰出艺术家2020 Finalsit其作品被莫斯科车库美术馆收藏。今年入围日本艺术界的登龙门VOCA2020(Vision Of Contemporary Art)并且在日本上野之森美术馆展出。最近举办了日本白石画廊银座本馆的个展“江上越展:你的名字?”,“In to the light…Etsu Egami solo show”(德国)、“Dialogue beyond 400 years”(伦敦)、“This is not a Mis-hearing game”(北京德萨画廊)、“对话4000年-江上越个展”(日本千叶市艺术文化新人奖获奖项目)等个展。



Etsu Egami is an international artist currently being very active in Tokyo and Beijing. Based on her overseas experiences, her consistent production activities on the theme of communication have been evaluated internationally. Thus, she was nominated for the VOCA exhibition at The Ueno Royal Musem by the recommendation of Megumi Hatai, a curator of Chiba City Museum of Art.
Etsu Egami was born in Japan, in 1994. She studied abroad at HfG Karlsruhe (The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design). in Germany, Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing. Currently, she studies at the Central Academy of fine arts for a doctor’s degree. She reconsiders the possibility of communication from her wide experience of oversea, and studies from various academic fields such as linguistics to sociology, anthropology, and philosophy including the origin of languages. Particularly, she devotes herself to a reconsideration of society by words. Her “project” gained international acclaim for the site-specific field survey and documentation. And those factors have deepened the theme of “communication” and highly praised internationally.
As the youngest artist, she was shortlisted for a sovereign art foundation as an Asian Art Prise2019 finalist, also as an outstanding Asian artist, her works were collected by the Moscow Garage Museum of Art. Most recently, solo exhibitions such as “In to the light… Etsu Egami solo show” (Germany), “Dialogue beyond 400 years” (London), “This is not a Mis-hearing game” (Beijing), “Dialogue-4,000 years-Etsu Egami Exhibition” (Chiba City Art and Culture Newcomer Award Winning Project) were held. In addition, her graduation works received a prize and collected by the Museum of the University.

Etsu Egami's personal experience constitutes her creation, her works go through documentary and fiction, between the collective and the individual, thinking about the retention of cultural differences in personal memory, and received international evaluation. Curator in Mori museum in Tokyo are  emphasizing that “not only works, but also that Etsu Egami herself is also a work”.
In the current international diversified contradiction, racial discrimination and other issues, Etsu Egami's "possibility of communication " and "eternal parallel world" seem to make us realize the instinct of human nature again. How to coexist with multi-ethnic groups in the international world? It seems to be a difficult problem for the common destiny of mankind. Etsu Egami's works give a deeper meaning in this era.



VIP开幕:2020年6月17日 14:00-22:00
JC Contemporary & F Hall Studio at Block 17, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

(责任编辑: Admin


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