The right to love, regardless of gender, race, nationality or religion, has become, over the years, a basic statement that means freedom of expression and human equality. However, this important aknowledgment is still far to be extended to the entire globe: some cultures, communities and nations are still struggling to obtain equal rights and freedoms. The new edition of Posterheroes asks the creative community to tell about love and right to love in the world, to spark a debate on the right to love and on the meaning of being a couple.

截止日期: 2016年10月1日截止
网上作品尺寸要求: •50 x 70 cm - 150 dpi (2953 x 4134pixel); • 最大不超过5 MB; • 竖版排版; • 格式JPG 或者PDF;
大赛官网; http://posterheroes.org/?lang=en
奖项: 40件最佳海报
大赛评委: -国际评审- Jekyll & Hyde (意大利) Mario Eskenazi (AGI-阿根廷) Christopher Scott(厄瓜多尔) Dylan Jones(南非) Ale Giorgini(意大利) Behnam Raeesian(伊朗) CLIM(西班牙) Aaron Kohn(美国) Valeria Bucchetti(意大利) Edwin Tan(Bravo)(新加坡) ▼联系方式: Email:staff@posterheroes.org