廖祥忠(Liao xiangzhong) 中国传媒大学动画学院院长、教授,数字媒体艺术专业硕士生导师、广播电视艺术学博士,我国数字媒体艺术专业创始人。已发表数字艺术相关论文数十篇,著有《数字艺术论》(上、下)等专著。现为中国传媒大学动画学院院长、中国动画学会副秘书长兼《中国动画年鉴》主编、国家十部委扶持动漫产业发展部际联席会议专家委员会委员。 Dean of Animation School of Communication University of China, Master’s Tutor and professor of Digital Media Arts, PhD of Broadcasting and Television Arts, major founder of domestic digital media Arts. Presently, acts as Vice-secretary-general of China Animation Association and Editor in Chief of China Animation Yearbook. He has published tens of papers on digital arts and academic works like On Digital Arts.