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作者: 大学生动画节组委会 来源: 视觉同盟专稿 时间: 2008年10月16日

兰蒂•卡特莱特(Randy Cartwright)  迪士尼公司动画师、编剧,曾参与《米奇的圣诞颂歌》、《兔子罗杰》、《小尼莫-梦境历险记》等多部作品的创作, 并创作了《美女与野兽》中的Belle、《阿拉丁》中的魔毯以及《狮子王》中的Zazu鸟等动画形象,是迪士尼新片《公主与青蛙》的主创人员。在梦工厂工作期间,负责《加勒比海盗》、《绿巨人》、《极地特快》等影片的电脑动画制作以及动画片《蚁哥正传》、《怪物史莱克》的编剧工作。
Randy Cartwright started in the animation industry at Walt Disney Studios.After animating on “Mickey's Christmas Carol” he moved to Japan where he trained animators working on "Little Nemo". He also lived in Taiwan as a directing animator on “The Brave Little Toaster”. He animated on Belle in “Beauty and the Beast”, the Magic Carpet in “Aladdin”, and the bird Zazu in "The Lion King".He joined Dreamworks where he was the story head for “Antz” and “Shrek”. After doing computer animation on “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “The Hulk”, and “The Polar Express”, he returned once again to Disney where he is currently storyboarding and animating on the new movie, “The Princess and the Frog” which will be released in the fall of 2009.
“White Poplar Award” Animation   Final Judging Panel
大师课程8-怎样制作迪士尼风格的动画           演讲嘉宾
Master Class 8- How to Make Disney Style Animation     Feature Guest   

(责任编辑: yimei


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