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作者: 大学生动画节组委会 来源: 视觉同盟专稿 时间: 2008年10月16日

大卫•昆斯耐(David Quesnelle)  加拿大谢里丹学院动画教师。1996年起开始在美国迪斯尼公司工作,曾担任《美女与野兽》、《风中奇缘》、《风中奇缘2-伦敦之旅》等影片的高级动画师,还参与了《高飞狗和米老鼠的圣诞》、《小小美人鱼2》、《彼得•潘2-重返梦幻岛》、《小熊维尼-和朋友们的一天》等影片的制作,担任动画监督等重要职务。2000年,回谢里丹学院任教至今。
David Quesnelle is a graduate of Sheridan’s Classical Animation program. In 1996 David worked for Walt Disney Animation. He was the senior animator on Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, and Journey to the New World. Other highlights in David’s career include animation supervisor for Donald Duck, animation lead for Goofy Christmas and Mickey Christmas, and senior animator for Little Mermaid 2, Peter Pan 2: Return to Neverland and storyboard artist and design supervisor for Anne of Green Gables. In 2000, he came to Sheridan College and assumed the position of full time professor of Animation.
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(责任编辑: yimei


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