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2007 ONE SHOW青年创意营评委Ross Chowles
作者: 2007 ONE SHOW组委会 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2007年11月6日

Ross Chowles
朱比特画室, South Africa

24 年前,Ross在一个小艺术工作室当艺术家,由此开始了他的广告事业。8年后,Ross成了Young & Rubicam直邮分支机构的创意总监,1990年,又升任Y & R开普顿总部的创意总监。这次升职改变了他在Y & R开普顿总部的生活。Ross遇到了Kevin Aspaos,三年后与他合作共同开办了开普顿朱庇特画室。他花费了10年的精力把这个公司经营成南非得奖最多的独立广告公司。 Ross 曾在嘎纳、One Show 、纽约艺术总监俱乐部以及加拿大营销奖担任评委。最近,他面临着一个新角色:成为一名老师。今年已经是他开展旨在教育青年学生的“The Ripple Effect” 项目的第四年。

Ross started his career in advertising as an artist in the studio of a small agency 24 years ago.8 years later, Ross became Creative Director of Y&R's direct mail division. In 1990, Ross took up the Creative Diredtor position at Y & R Cape, Ross met Kevan Aspaos, who three years later become Ross's partner in founding The Jupiter Drawing Room Cape Town. The last 10 years have been spent building The Jupiter Drawing Room in to what it is today: South Africa 's most awarded, independent agency. Ross has judged the following awards shows: Cannes , One Show, Art Director Club and Canadian Marketing Awards.Recently, Ross has taken up a new roll, that of teacher.. This is the second year he has been running “The ripple Effect”, an education initiative for young student.

更多请见:2007 ONE SHOW青年创意营专题

(责任编辑: carcy1983


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