英国中央圣马丁艺术大学和意大利米兰DA设计学院(Domus Academy)、新美术学院(Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti)将组织的2006年暑期伦敦米兰双城短期设计培训班。费用初级班1500-1600英镑、高级班800-1600英镑。
在线报名: https://www.london-milan-courses.com/basketbookings/online_booking.php
介绍: 暑期课程分为高级和初级,参加者必须满18岁。
To join our Beginners Level you must have completed school and have a proven interest in art and design. These courses are four weeks long - they cannot be taken as two week option.
Advanced courses are open to students in their final year of university studies, recent graduates or professionals in related industries. Unlike the Beginners level, these courses may be taken in either two or four week blocks – you can register for London only, Milan only or London and Milan.
To book your course, click on the topic above that you are interested in and then use the shopping basket icon to add the course to the booking form. Your selection will be added to a "shopping basket". Once you are happy with your selection click on "Proceed to booking form" and fill in your details on the online booking form. You will not be able to book one person on more than one course online – if you wish to make group bookings please contact the Short Course Office on +44 (0)20 7514 7015 or email us at london@london-milan-courses.com.
更多信息: https://www.london-milan-courses.com/