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院校导航 - 其他国家和地区 - 美国普瑞特设计学院

普瑞特设计学院(Pratt Institute)1887年成立,是一所相当大型的专业艺术与设计学院,提供了相当多种的课程主修,分成建筑学校和艺术设计学院,有25英亩校地在Brooklyn布鲁克林,知名校友有劳伯瑞福Robert Redford,Betsey Johnson服装设计师,台湾艺术家赖纯纯、梅丁衍。

Pratt全部学生约两千多人,其中国际学生约占百分之二十的比例, 特色: 唯一有传统围绕式校园的东岸艺术学校,离曼哈顿城区只有7-10分钟车程,坐地铁的话则要15-20分钟,提供学校食宿与学校网路.

Pratt有两栋主要学校建筑,一栋在布鲁克林校区内,另一栋在曼哈顿West 14th街(靠近7th Avenue),这栋建筑叫做Puck大楼,只给主修COMD-沟通设计的研究生使用.

网址: http://www.pratt.edu  

Art and Design Education艺术与设计教育
Communications Design (COMD) 平面设计
COMD-Package Design平面设计 -包装设计
COMD-Digital Design平面设计 -数位设计

Qualifying program–68 credits
Masters program–48 credits
Qualifying program 是专供没有相关背景的人申请的,要多花一年修20学分,大概要三年才能毕业。

Theory, Criticism and History of Art, Design and Architecture艺术,设计,建筑史评论
City and Regional Planning都市与区域计划
Facilities Management工业管理
Urban Design都市设计
Library and Information Science图书资讯科技

Fine Arts创作艺术(包括了Painting印刷, Drawing绘画, Sculpture雕塑, Printmaking版画, Ceramics陶艺, Photography摄影, Jewelry珠宝)

Pratt的版画系还挺有名的喔! 最近(2006)有办展览的吴怡欣就是先念了SVA的插画之後,再念Pratt的版画系, 她的作品相当有个人特色, 欢迎参观哟! http://www.yihsin.net/

在Pratt提供的主修课程中,最有特色的也许是MFA in Digital Art ( 简称DDA)旧称是CGIM(在2005年改名的),需要60学分才能毕业,一般来说,学生很难在两年内就修完60学分,大部份都需要三年的时间。

M.P.S. (Master of Professional Studies)专业研究硕士
Design Management设计管理
普瑞特将「艺术与文化管理硕士」归类为M.P.S. (Master of Professional Studies,专业研究硕士),这与一般学校将「艺术行政管理」置在教育学院底下的做法不太相同。普瑞特将「艺术与文化管理硕士课程」定位为「提供艺术与文化专业人才开发其管理技巧与效率,以使其能在组织中担任更高层的负责人或运作其组织。」因此,申请者必须具备艺术或设计相关科系之大专以上同等学历,并且至少在艺术、文化领域工作经验三年;至於实习、志工经验,如果能充份展现出申请者对於专业领域的兴趣,普瑞特则会情况接受。普瑞特目前订定的基本申请门槛:学校GPA成绩高於3 ,而托福成绩必须高於600分。


以下是和Pratt毕业生Paul Yang的8个问答:

在米国(美国)教授不会真正教你东西的,他们使用非常米式的教学,让你拥有自己的思想与点子,但是当你的观念不是很好的时候,他们会告诉你,还有,他棉总是告诉你要自己去念书,所以我大部分都是从书上学,而不是跟教授学的,不过我真的有些在设计上的好点子是从教授那边学到的,所以,这真的很难说,我的这些教授是好还是坏哩~~ how do I think the professor? tell you what, in American , teacher doesn’t really teach. they are all in very American way to make you have your own thinking and idea, but when your thinking is bad then they will told you that is not good. and they always tell you to read the books by yourself, so I learned anything so far from my self from the book not from the professor, but I did get some good idea of design from the professor too. So it’s hard to say they are good or bad.

[国际学生]依法是不能在学时打工的喔!!不过如果你拿的是H1签证,或是学生实习课程时,你才有办法在大苹果市工作,对於主修CGIM-3d动画的学生来说,毕业後在大苹果市找工作真的粉不容易!!去洛杉矶找工作还比较轻松,不过如果你专业是网页设计,我告诉你,根本不用找工作啦!! 工作会自动来找你喔!!

THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS can’t work when you are still studying in school, that is the law….but if you get the H1 visa or student practical trng then you can work in NYC, for CGIM-3d animation major, is really hard to get a job in NYC-NEW YORK CITY after you graduated, many animation jobs are in LA, but if you do the web design, then I can tell you this, the company are looking for you, and you don’t need to go search the company here.

3.为什麽普瑞特在某些设计领域是提供M.S.的学位而不是M.F.A or M.A.?
因为MS只需要54学分就毕业了,但是MFA要60学分,在普瑞特有许多设计课程不只教你如何设计,也教你市场行销与管理,所以你也需要念设计史,艺术史或其他课程,就我知道的,如果你要主修CGIM而且拿MFA,许多课程是实作设计课程,所以你做作业的时间保证比念书多!! 嘿~~你知道我在说什麽吗?现在你了解有什麽不同了吧!还有另外一件事,在普瑞特,MA的意思是建筑硕士,不是人文艺术硕士,知道ㄅㄟ?至於MFA是创作艺术硕士,我想这你很了解啦…MS是Master of Science,对了,在纽约的视觉艺术学院SVA提供许多设计课程是给要修MFA的学生,因为他们需要修完六十个学分,还有你会要做许多许多的作业…了解吧?

ok for the MS and MFA degree question… because you only need 54 credits to finish the MS degree, if you want to get MFA then you must have to take 60 credits. and in Pratt many design major they are not only teach you how to design, they also teach you how to marketing and management and you also need to read like history of design, history of art, and some the other classes…as I know if you want to take the MFA degree in CGIM in Pratt, many classes are studio class, so YOU work and design more then you study from books. so you know what I’m saying right? you know what’s different now right. and the other thing, in Pratt MA is Master of Architecture, not Master of Art, got it? MFA is Master of Fine Art, I believe that you know it well. MS is Master of Science….ok in SVA support design major as MFA because they need 60 credits to finish it, and you will do a lot of design works too.



第一呢~是因为你非常幸运,这学期没有足够的学生申请普瑞特,所以他们需要学生,所以他们接受了你,不然咧! 要是这学期有足够的学生申请普瑞特,他们就会先踢掉托福不够的…


ye that is true, some students did get in Pratt without TOEFL 550, there are some reasons, The first reason is that you are very lucky because not there is enough student who want get in to Pratt in that semester, and they need students, so you will get in. Therefore, if you apply when many student try to get in at the same semester then sorry they will look for your TOEFL score first to throw you away from the accept list. The sec is because your portfolio is really great let them feel they have to accept you in, no matter your English is good or bad.( because however you will need to take the English exam, if not pass then you will get in to ESL in Pratt)


谁在纽约是安全的啊??…只要非常小心,不要半夜回家,试着让自己变成一个纽约客就好啦!!让人们觉得你在这里待很久了….(就不敢随便欺负你啦)…不要拿着地铁地图,然後在地铁站看或是车上看,反正地铁站墙上就有地图可以看啦!! 在普瑞特的校区里是安全啦,出了校门,那可不一定!!

who is safe in NY??…just be very careful and don’t back home at midnight and u must try to be a new Yorker, so ppl knows u r here for a long time. Don’t take a subway map and watch it in the subway station or in the train…there is map in the train and subway station. go see the big map that post there. In Pratt’s campus is safety, the security is good inside campus, but not out of campus..



there are many Korean students here in Pratt. how many Taiwanese students here I’m not sure…but Taiwanese international students club is very sucks….they don’t do anything here. they haven’t done any meeting or party in Pratt for about 3 years. Therefore, Pratt Taiwanese students doesn’t know each other well.



it’s not easy to find a place to live out side… u can live in dorm for a semester then find a place to live around the Pratt campus in the summer time because many students leave school at that time. It’s cheaper to live out side but also the security is not good as to live in the dorm. the rent fee is about 350-800 a month out side around school. live in dorm is about 600-900 a month. and the school’s food is really bad, so don’t join it….or u have to pay $3000 for the cafeteria, and it’s only for one year fee…if u can’t finish $3000 meal in one year then u just waste the money. The other way they will plus on next year food fee if u continue it, so that means after u join it u can’t quit.( I don’t remember it’s $2000-3000 for a year or a semester)



SVA 是一所非常好的学校,我说它好是因为我申请过这家学校,而且也被接受了,在我拜访过校园之後,那锅电脑实验室真是超完美,比普瑞特好多啦,在我读过电脑实习室为主修电脑艺术的学生所开课程之後,我感觉能念这儿真是挺棒的,所以如果你有机会参观SVA和普瑞特的研究所毕业生秀的话,你可以自个儿比较看看,那你就知道我为什麽说SVA是个好学校啦! 另一件事,现在SVA是美国艺术与设计学校的顶尖十名,但是普瑞特只在十八或二十名,不过还有一个坏消息,在SVA你得付每学期米金1000元的费用使用电脑实验室,如果你是主修电脑艺术的话啦!!对了~~SVA只提供MFA学位,每年差不多收50位研究生吧,我蛮荣幸我被接受申请了,不过六十个学分和 SVA的学费对我来说太贵了,所以我没去念…


that is a funny question, why I choose Pratt yap, because at that time Pratt was the one of top art and design school in new York in 5 years ago. But now it’s not a good school ….SVA is much better than Pratt now. but the Tuition in SVA is not cheap also..

SVA is a very good school, why I said it is good because I did apply that school and I got accepted, and after I visit the school, the computer lab is perfect, much better than Pratt, and after I read the classes that they open for the computer art students, I feel that is really good to study in. And if you get the chance to see the graduation show and you can compare it with Pratt graduate student’s works, then you will know why I say SVA is a good school. and the other thing, right now SVA is in top 10 of art and design school in the USA. but Pratt is only in 18 or 20 in USA. BUT the bad thing for SVA is you have to pay $1000 for the using the computer lab every semester, if you are in computer art major. and they support only MFA in their school, and they only accept students every year, and only 50 students for a year. so I’m proud that I can get in to the school, but 60 credits and the fee is too much for me. so that’s why I didn’t go for it. The other thing, the people who keep say Pratt is good that means one thing, he really doesn’t search the information from the other school or never go to the show. so please forgive me to say this, I think they are not a good design student because a design student must accept any new information, always follow the news, and go around NYC to get any news here to make your thinking alive, and to compare something. don’t always feel the school that you are studying which is the best.


地址和电话: Pratt Institute 200 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205 (718)636-3600
学制: 4-4-1 system:两个学期(二月和九月开学),加上一个月(四或五月)的interterm,(寒暑假皆为六周),也就是说冬季时只有一个学期(section),夏季时则有两个学期,每学期差不多是六周,普通课程差不多需要15周的时候修完.
教务处email: info@pratt.edu
在校GPA成绩: 必须高於3 托福成绩: 高於550分
年学费(US$)32824,若不含生活费是:17689 (这是根据校方I-20上的资料,但Paul说他这学期实际上只交了学费$8992,基本上研究生一学分的费用约为$950,此外还要付注册费Admin fee$25, 教师费facilities fee $175, 活动费Activity fee$40, 健康保险Health Insurance$560,还有国际学生费international student fee$40.如果你的主修是CG (computer graphic)或是你选修CG的课,你还要另外依课程程度付费,初级(100-300)是每堂课$40,中级(400-500)每堂课$50,高级 (600)则是每堂课$60,所以主修CG的学生在Pratt付的钱会比其他学生多喔!!)
申请截止日: 2/1 申请费: $80 (不退还) 无法保留入学许可




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